I saw a Tranny for the first time today. Does this happen in your country?

I saw a Tranny for the first time today. Does this happen in your country?

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only when I look in a mirror
im trans btw

Why didn't you kill him?

Why didn't you hurt him?

Was "she" at least attractive?


what village do you live in hans?

It was me

i think i saw one last week, i'm not sure.
i like to believe that it was just some random lad dressed as a woman for the hell of it, you know "haha look at me i'm a wearing a skirt isn't that crazy"

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You're a tranny hunter?

I see trannies literally every day everywhere I go

The women where I live are typically so fat and ugly that I wouldn't ever notice if they were a tranny or not
I did see one tranny with his boyfriend, I bet he pegs him

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I wish I saw more of them
I love trannies so much its unreal bros
(cept' the ugly ones obviously)

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They're even more disgusting in person, aren't they?

there was one in my high school.
some dude when to prom with him and didn't know. Until he felt a hard dick pressing up on to him during the slow dance.

One day i was bored so i decided to walk around the neighborhood i lived in as a kid. It was a lower class neighborhood but now it was full of bustlesoys, and i saw an agp. Just a fat guy in a dress with his hair grown out.

Around a month ago I saw my first tranny too. It was in Ghent, never going back there. Dude had the stereotypical 5 o clock shadow

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To my knowledge, I have never seen one in real life.

>no greentext
we have LGB but not that many trannies (yet) I think. I live in a mid-sized city and I don't think I've seen one, unless they all pass for some reason.

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Years ago I saw a tranny in a little shop in Denmark. Actually seeing them is something else. You think "yeah they probably won't really look like a woman" but as soon as I saw him I thought "breh that's a giant dude in a dress". Was pretty freaky.

they only look hot if they're Latina or South East Asian tho

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