ITT: it’s Any Forums in 2032

ITT: it’s Any Forums in 2032

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And Ivanka Trump is running for President

i cant believe libruls are banning ownership of guns

40 years later and it never goes away

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Tv? What's that?

ugh, interracial couples are still in tv commerials. society will collapse any day now.

say what you want about the Glirplexians, but im starting to think they didnt come to earth for our semen alone

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>none of the replies are about movies
Called it

Most Americans will have EV cars by now
Gas stations are a niche thing for racers and specialty equipment
Charging stations can now charge a full battery in under 20 minutes
China’s presence in US affairs is obvious and welcome
Some European countries have merged due to resource depletion and a weary population

Can't believe capeshit is still everywhere and dominating everything. It's been decades. When will this nightmare end? I surely thought it'd be over by now.

why dont they make more kinos about Russia's decisive victory in the Ukraine 10 years ago? Are anglos still butthurt?


Kek what a (dead) bitch

posting here so I can read my post in 10 years
well retard, did you manage to have sex already?

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remember when you could say NIGGER on Any Forums?

wow iron mans anti christian speech was so fucking empowering, sucks that I only paid for the standard ticket and didn’t get the optional 20 minute extra bonus true avenger DLC to get the reveal that trans batwoman is crossing over in the sequel next month. holy SHIT

The new 007 love interest is a chastity femboy how did they take so long to do this?

>tfw 2022 was 100 years ago

If you are reading this in the future then I have died from being crushed to death under a pile of movies.


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Am so sick and tired of watching AI virtual entities, in the old days we had YouTubers like PewDiePie, now THAT WAS A YOUTUBER.

spoiler alert: you paid a whore

Venom 4 is better than Ant Man 5.

I can't believe Hunter Schafer is the first transwoman ever to get a womb transplant.

shut the fuck up neo/pol/, she’s a woman. there’s no such thing as a transwoman

I miss games like fortnite bros.
All we they release now is transexual and interracial simulators.

Wow, passion of the christ 2 was the best movie ever made.

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Ok this time Jack Nicholson definitely will be dead, he might be right now but they won't say it publicly for some reason