
Tuvok edition

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The latest SNW episode was bad, but the other five have been great and there's nothing chuds can do to refute this.

This explains why Orville feels more Trek than Kurtzman's shows

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Define great

This one.

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Rank the Star Trek uniforms

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Surprisingly good, not kino, some room for improvement, but great.

This does not factor in the variations within each iteration.

Giving this one a bump to spite the schizo spam thread

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Most of SNW has been pretty meaningless. Just noise and motion and pointless venting of personal baggage. Having said that, the most recent episode surprised me. It was pretty good. Spock didn't sperg out. The frustrations of the prime directive were put on display from multiple angles. A lot less time wasted on lengthy special effect spectacles. The audience was allowed to see events unfold organically instead of having a lump of exposition. Episodes 1-5 could learn from episode 6. Keep up what you did in 6. Less of the other please.

Orville is 2 for 2 with good episodes. Can't say that the second one had the social impact that the 1st, but they wanted a spooky episode and they achieved it. Props to them for putting some investment into the backstory of the character that was effectively killed off. It would have been easy to throw a handful of nameless ensigns at horror and then just murder them, but they put in the work to give the illusion that this was a real person that was impacted.

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Voyager/Ds9 for me king. Are there any real differentiating factors between those two I’ve never picked up on?

Couldn't find a good pic for that

TNG and early DSN look the best. TOS is iconic but looks too casual.
Weird how even though VOY copied the DSN uniform it looks cheaper


Tuvok: showing that, again, there is hardly a difference (whether physical or personality) between a full Vulcan and a half Vulcan (Spock)

I just farmed Chapel pics this time. The Phillipino wunderkind wasn't my cup of earl.

Where on Vulcan do the dark ones come from? Are there Asian-types, too?

The VOY ones look like they were made with a cheaper fabric and fit the cast worse. Maybe they were just recycling background extra costumes from DS9?

Actual new for when this one gets deleted

I thought it was weird when TNG started putting head prostheses on a bunch of them. Fortunately, regularly occurring characters seem to be spared that bullshit.

Enterprise deserved better. Can't get worse than that

Take it on the chin and move on. We've all lost thread-offs.

Wow!! A television that could be succeeding *because of* an executive producer, rather than *in spite of*

I don't think this utopian floating city is very safe.

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I feel like I remember this place from playing Twilight Princess.

What game?

Clumsy retards like you bitched about the space station in Beyond, too. Maybe just be careful and don’t fall when you’re next to bottomless pits?

This should've been the Enterprise uniform

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Slightly annoyed Neelix

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Doesn't the federation have some successor to OSHA?

Second Life

Why is this a gif?

The uniforms were homely, but they made sense for the setting. They were pure Earth utility.

This is a NuTrek thread. Evacuate now:

>have mad good science
>can't replace your floating city kids torture machine with a floating city not torture kids machine

He looks more surprised than happy.

Archer doesn't have the tits for it.