Saw last house on the left (2009)

why didn't you guys warn me it had a ten minute scene of sara paxton getting RAPED in the woods, wtf. you see bare ass and grunting and crying and moaning. until she gives up and just takes it. as a sara paxton fan since halloween town 3, i hated this movie

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I remember when that came out and it triggered the fuck out of people but nope I never saw it. Is it realistic?

timestamp please, you know for research porpoises

thanks for the thread op
gonna watch it later

She was asking for it thou.

You're not supposed to get off to rape, you social reject.

I always get this movie's title mixed up with the cunny that poisoned a pedo.

>Is it realistic

Jodie kino

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>mfw i don't remember anything from the movie except Aaron paul and that 200% edgy ending
it just wasn't that great

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Sara Paxton is succulent in Shark Night 3D

ill watch it but is she in it a lot or just a few scenes

for about half the movie

This is the last movie I saw in theaters.

Wait til you see Monica Bellucci getting raped up the ass for 10 minutes straight in Irreversible

we have threads about rape from time to time.
but normies dont like that stuff.

Attached: sarahpaxton.webm (900x371, 2.23M)

Only thing I liked about this movie was the credits song

This movie is terrible. The acting is horrible. I don't understand why this shit is shilled so much everywhere.

What a weird sequel to The Innkeepers

Attached: the-innkeepers-movie-image-03.jpg (1600x1067, 149.4K)

>normies meet user and his gf