What was the moral of the story?

What was the moral of the story?

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That white people are evil

Prison makes people worse than before they got there


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nigs gonna nog

90% of the movie: racism bad
ending: never relax

Rape transforms you into a liberal

Around blacks, never relax.

Don't drop the soap and don't bite the curb

Getting fucked in the ass by nazis makes you a nigger friend.

> worldview correct
> sees actions that confirm it
> goes to jail for it
> meets one black who isnt scum and falls for the NOBALT meme
> causes him to have incorrect worldview
> end with the original worldview re-confirming itself

The moral is you can have a correct impression of a group, and don't let meeting one who doesn't confirm to that mean the general pattern isn't true. The whole of the west is living through this.

macro cucks micro every time!



I'm voting Republican this midterm.

Chudding never leads to anything good

gay sex

even if blacks are more likely to be criminals the majority of blacks are still good, some of the nicest people I've ever met were blacks

Kill niggers before they kill you

hatred is bad and only causes more hatred

chuds always lose

You understand how you're skewing real statistics just to make a meaningless statement, right?
>the majority of active volcanoes never killed anyone. Some of the nicest mountains I've ever met were volcanoes.
Okay. Does that mean you ignore the consequences of an erupting volcano?