Who is the most notorious somehow-not-yet-caught child molester in Hollywood?

Who is the most notorious somehow-not-yet-caught child molester in Hollywood?

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Morgan Freeman


>celebrity does anything that slightly annoys chuds

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Morgan Freeman banged his step-granddaughter so much that they both had to release statements at one point saying it wasn't true.
then her boyfriend at the time knew about it and i dont know if it was the catalyst but he murdered her

The redditor is angry

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David Geffen

>which drop on this ocean planet is the wettest?

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Tarantino, he flew with Epstein a bunch and there was a photo floating round of him sucking on some chicks foot but some 4chon autists analysed the pic and measured the size of the foot and determined it must have belonged to a child, he will be protected by Hollywood like Polanski and woody Allen have been, and just look at the fucking guy no way he isn't a pedo

You realize those two things aren’t mutually exclusive right? An actor can be a pedophile but also annoy people.

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>the left can’t make their own memes
You guys had a good thing going with the capitalist pig image, why do you use ours?

Me. And you'll never find me!

This. Rightoids are so predictable at this point.

Oof… that hurts

Yeah and pizza gate was real. Oh wait.

post the one where his tranny son says he got a hickey on his neck from "daddy issues"

Our bosses told us to cool it with the anti-corporate jokes.

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Even if he is not a pedo he is somehow complicit since he is Hollywood star. He must know about things. Why he suddenly cares about kids that much?

Jared Leto probably baits girls with Kool Aid and roofie coladas