Gringo Papi is the greatest comedy speshul of the pass 20 years

Gringo Papi is the greatest comedy speshul of the pass 20 years.

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Try watching Bryan's speshul without cringing. I dare you.

covid lockdown and the comedians that all relied on podcasts to stay relevant was the final blow to standup comedy, it’s ogre

the only time i've ever laughed at this faggot was his "I'm a quadroon" sketch on madTV

Fr mad cap

Are there any good comedy podcasts?
Most of the ones I've seen are just successful middle-aged men complaining about how hard their job is, the only one I ever really liked was Norm's.

Comedians are modern day philosophers. Us civilians can simply not understand hardships like they do.

Not really any good "comedy" podcasts, just that podcasts with comedians tend to be the least insufferable because humor is always valuable in conversation. But that's the problem with comedy podcasts, nothing of value truly ever gets discussed so you're just wasting time playing friendship simulator on the other side of the plexiglass. Podcasts are really only worth listening to if you want to learn about a niche subject. With that being said I do enjoy Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast but the odds both of them maneuver this period of their life successfully is low. Matt will probably quietly fall off into dadhood and Shane will die/burnout from drugs and fatness by 50.

Thanks God, standup sucks

>t that's the problem with comedy podcasts, nothing of value truly ever gets discussed
try Russel Brand

Look into it.

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you just don't get The Craft

Tim Dillon

Tim Dillon

christ this is bad, a bunch of polite chuckles, then random animal noises?

what's a Mexican cookie? a cookie with salsa on it?



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Holy Fuck you weren't exaggerating. This is brutal

Adam Carolla.

Matt and Shane. It's like being back in your fraternity days user.

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The Dick Show

Literally a sugar cookie with more sugar on it.
