Pitch your ideas for a Scarecrow movie

Pitch your ideas for a Scarecrow movie.

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Scarecrow is about to release some gas that he made into the city and the whole city has to be evacuated and the only people left are criminals. Batman has to find scarecrow but also arrest other villains who are now free in just one night

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Sounds like a combination of the plot from Batman Begins and Dark Knight Rises, but makes them better....

it's arkham knight you tard

>Directed by David Cronenberg yet co-produced by Danny Boyle
>Have Cillian Murphy reprise for his role, Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Renee Montoya, Kyle MacLachlan as Jim Corrigan, Tom Savini as Simon Dark
>Soundtrack by Dario Argento and Susumu Hirasawa

>Opening is the usual schtick, Scarecrow using his fear toxin to paralyze people and use their greatest fears against them.
>Batman beats him despite this, he escapes and develops a NEW toxin
>as a master of fear, he develops a fear antidote, one that removes ANY and ALL fear and doubt from a victim, basically removing all their inhibitions. He releases it on the city. Chaos.

Also, Batman is slowly turning into the Joker.

Arkham Asylum scarecrow was kino.

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>physically convincing holograms to conduct industrial espionage
>happens upon military black project with some funding from Wayne Enterprises
>aerosolized nanomachines that adhere to the eyes form augmented reality 'hallucinations'
Rip off The King in Yellow mass hysteria and cult prompted by deployment of this as cover for Scarecrow to gain access to a power plant to make it go critical, or some other conventional WMD infiltration/raid sort of thing; impersonate the Governor to gain authorization with the holosuit ect.
>Batman has to kill the power to the city because the nano-glass requires the wireless network to coordinate the augmented reality between users
>Jacob's Ladder demons, holograms glitch out in the corner of people's eye, Batman seeing his parents alive

teachers say he's a schizo because he saw something "that isn't real". they put him on drugs. drugs make him homeless. he lives on the streets and becomes an addict

some old man who works with gas gives him a job
old man is killed by cops

takes revenge

Scarecrow is played by Bryce Dallas Howard. She bends over the city square and braps out the fear gas. All in attendance take a big whiff. Everyone claps.

The End

Dust Bowl era Kansas farmer goes on a killing spree in Depression Era New York City

Here is a pic for reference

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holy kino. hollywood, give this user a budget

would be incel rape kino with hints of montreal woman tech school.

Just do a fully awake Nightmare On Elm Street. Scarecrow hunts Gotham's priveledged children. Make it a mystery who's killing these kids. The link being that Icabod Crane or whatever his name is, came from a priveledged family. Throw in a red herring like Calendar Man.

Boom! Ya got your movie. Sequel is Anarky.

which one is scarecrow

I prefer his lego batman 2 look

You can watch Batman 1939 on YT

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Isn't he basically just a fear fetishist? Just make Saw but good where he's putting people in games to put them in as much emotional distress as possible. Have Bruce Wayne be one of the game victims where he actually can't go full Batman.

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Half of the movie is following Scarecrow as a serial killer who plays with and tortures people, all these scenes are in the style of David Fincher, kinda like a mix between Zodiac and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

The other half of the movie is from the perspective of his victims after they get gassed and these parts of the movie turn into a horror movie with David Lynch-type fever dream nightmares.

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It is the future and humans are used as batteries, which is retarded because humans do not generate that much electricity, after they lost a war to machines. And instead of using pigs or putting them in a coma, the computers make some kind of elaborate virtual reality for them. Then somehow humans, living deep underneath the earth ruin everything for everyone and kill the battery people. Because there is no infrastructure or food to house and feed the mllions of battery people. And they all die of radiation poisoning, the elements, hunger and scarecrows.