Watching sherlock for the first time

watching sherlock for the first time
what the fuck is wrong with this guy? why does he talk like this? is he retarded?

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He's gay

Yes, for some reason members of LGBTQ+ community tend to be mentally unstable

show for brainlets

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so far i don't disagree, but that wasn't the fucking question you retard with no reading comprehension

Miscast. The show were all over the place in quality, and most episodes were anticlimactic

Cumberbatch has a very original take on Sherlock and I love it
But boy, that Moriarty sucks utter balls yeah jesus

I like him but he sure isn't Moriarty. The climax of S2E3 is too difficult to believe though, nobody is that bonkers

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Sort of but for the sociopathy.
They don't know how to portray a sociopath so they just make him retarded, mean and insert some latent faggotry.

makes sense

The thing I like the most about the show si Mycroft's portrayal, and the dynamic with Sherlock
That brotherly stand off is %100 realistic and fits perfectly with Cuberbatch's Sherlock.

Yeah Mycroft is all right and gives a good touch to the Holme's family lore.

Moriarty was super disappointing, especially because Jered Harris completely upstaged him in Game of Shadows. Either way, first couple seasons of Sherlock were fun. Only 3 episodes, didn't overstay its welcome, good cast. Actually surprised they kept bringing it back, doesn't British TV cancel everything but Dr who after 3 seasons?

watch jeremy brett sherlock, modern sherlock is shit

>original take
>antisocial asshole who is constantly puts down everyone else for being dumb

This is every cheap hack’s take on Holmes. He’s not supposed to be a dickhead, he’s actually quite polite and respectful in the source material and functions fine in social situations, he just prefers solitude.

This bullshit is people mistaking Holmes for House, who was already a misguided take on Sherlock.

The original take is that it's very childlish.
Almost immature.
And the pairing with Watson that acts friendly (ofc) but often in a "fatherly" manner.
This is more obvious when Mary is on the cast and she's the "mom" character.
I don't know how people miss this interpretation, I think it's fairly obvious that it's the series intent.

What do you mean?

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Sherlock still sucks and is peak midwit magnet

Well series 1 was 2010 and filmed in 2009, so it was probably their faggot ass attempt to rip off Ledger's Joker.

Moriarty was the best part of the show, anyone complaining about him got filtered

Jeremy Brett was a good Holmes

Sherlock himself talks like an autistic weirdo

>we cast Watson as a hot asian woman
>after seven seasons and 154 episodes, there is not a single moment of sexual tension between them
>in fact it seems like Cumberbatch and Freeman wanted to fuck each other much, much more than Sherlock and Hot Asian Watson ever did

How did they get away with it

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This show always got credit for not being as embarrassingly terrible as it should have been

Funny how Cumberpatch also played Alan Turing where they also make him into a stupid stereotype - only a more fumbling socially oblivious autist rather than confrontational asshole one. It's like this allergic reaction to having a nuance in these eccentric men who are happy with their own company but also able to conduct themselves perfectly well in public and around colleagues, not be social retards, etc.

He’s just english user

I still remember in 2017 finding out about Johnlock for the first time and laughing my ass off at some of the insane posts about how 'Johnlockers' are ackchyually society's best and brightest, this one bitch on YouTube who's whole channel was dedicated to shilling Johnlock who deleted her whole channel the day after the s4 finale air, etc.

>How did they get away with it
The actor and the character are gay

>we cast Watson as a hot asian woman
Why is her mother on the cover instead?

you're watching the wrong sherlock
look for the old series with jeremy brett
a more faithful Sherlock, from a civilized age
[spoilers]hardly any niggers, too[/spoiler]

You're terminally queer

>Steven Moffat

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stfu, Blink was a kino episode
[sploiler]shit dialogue tho[/spoiler]

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And SOMEHOW Mark Gatiss manages to be even more unlikeable than Moffat