/SWG/ - Star Wars General

George Lucas cameo edition

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>tfw u realize G Lucas was based THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME and most internet hatred was probably from edomite kike monkeys

I now love the prequels simply for this one video and a part of me always knew that kikewood was always like this.


Makes sense as edomite kikes aren't nearly as talented or as smart as they pretend.

In this shit purgatory we call earth, balance and equilibrium matter and no one race or group is born with all the talents and intelligence.

Edomite kikes can't stand to see other do better work and get more recognition than them and when this person(non edomite member)has the recognition and the fan base, they can tell edomite kikes to go fuck their Jewish edomite daughters fat tits and circumsize her cunt.

That's why Hollywood music industry doesn't look for actual talented people because actual talented people can get by on their own merits, talent, and fan base and they can't be controlled and manipulated.

That's why they like using nigger$ so much cause they have no talent and can be discarded after they outlive their usage.

George was shit on mostly by critics and the media, but that's because they took their jobs incredibly seriously back then. compare to critics now who will vicariously dicksuck every new product that comes out so long as they get their access to early screenings and interviews and all that. hence why they love nuwars and hate the prequels.

George is 10 steps ahead of everyone. He genuinely despises hollyjews and their evil tactics

Fucking beautiful lol

>loves nuwars
Asides from making money simply on brand name alone, pretty sure nuwars was also shitted on by critics.

Also adding to above post.
>critics understanding anything
Not everything has to be some deep meaningful film, but some Films can stand on their own simplicity and merit.

Complicated or deep for no reason or purpose other than to tote your own horn tied to be pointless sometimes.
If something needs to be comicated then let it be complicated and if something needs to be easy then let it be easy

Moments where you went full soi?

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>caring this much about Any Forumsshit
You're not a Star Wars fan, leave.

Kikes killed Star Wars though.

>Liking something is bad because a twisted virgin said so

Ok voomer

She was a good friend.

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Fuck you I laughed.

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Kill yourself nu wars cock sucker. If you didn't drop it after tfa you never liked star wars to begin with.

George Lucas didn't sell Star Wars because of the Prequel backlash or because he wanted to raise his 2nd family. It's because CGI, Lighting, Cameras, etc. had come so far that there was nothing left for him to innovate. The featurettes of him brainstorming in 1994 have him watching Buster Keaton in amazement asking himself "how did he do that?". By the time he was done with the prequels he had pushed the industry so far forward that there was nothing left for him to do. He transcended the artform.

The sequel trilogy really would've just been a soap opera about the Skywalker family with some quantum-world sci-fi sprinkled on top. Anybody could do that, but they didn’t because they had to save the Quantum stuff for the MCU.

Kek, those posts are from /wars/. This general is so much better.

>Spent first 9 years living in Space Ghanny watching a blue jew pimp his Mom out.
Anakin probably would laugh if Ahsoka flashed her orange nubs at him.

Not from /wars/, they're from this thread

>that Chuck Wendig post

Lol edomite alert
Edomite kik@s are mad George Lucas doesn't have to give them a FUCKING DIME!

Jews don't like when they can't get money from the non tribes members.
Same shit happened with Michael Jackson and that's why he was killed and this is clearly why they are tarnishing George Lucas and toiken legacies

It's ALWAYS Any Forums in America, faggot.
In fact, they have intentionally tied everything into politics which is why their is so much pointless nonsense and dribble.

>not a star wars fan

>It's ALWAYS Any Forums in America, faggot.
Thank the Maker I'm not American.

This guy has issues. I mean, you can be enthusiastic as fuck for something, or get a bit emotional when it pinches the nostalgic string, but he always overrreacts like that.
This is concerning

>Chuck Wendig
Did you ever hear the tale of Darth Soigeus the Cringe? He was a Cucked Lord of the Mouse so faggy and so cringe that he had the power to make Leftists tell him to tone it down. Ironic.

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>he always overreacts
What, he's still around? He hasn't crawled into a hole of shame after he went viral, never to be seen on the Internet again?

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Modern beta male indoctrinated to value fictional worlds and stories of his own real culture and people.

Only time a man should cry lime that is when he gives birth to his first child or has a family member die.

Those are the only acceptable times a man should shed tears


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Yep, I saw someone post a webm of his reaction to Kenobi teaser here.

Based Jedibro (and with the Jedi not being allowed to have children or families, this means that they can't shed tears at all)


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Of course not, you fucking retard.

Black skin/features and regal clothing will never not look out of place

Togruta sex

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>OT is about defeating muh Nazis
>PT is about one man controlling both sides of the war in order to gain ultimate power
Notice how the biggest Star Wars fans are some Gen X/millenial Hollywood kikes (whose favorite character is Han Jew Solo who bangs Leia Jew Organa, it's the perfect Jewish fantasy). No wonder they tried to cancel the prequels.

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China took this from us, Finnsisters...