Be me, bored as fuck

>be me, bored as fuck
>come here to get movie recommendations
>anons suggest hellraiser
>accidentally watch dark city
Holy fucking kino, this movie made me piss and shit and cum, why isn't it discussed here more often? And is hellraiser as good as this?

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>why isn't it discussed here more often
Because it isn't Star Wars/Marvel/Disney related.

No, Hellraiser is shit. Dark City is kino though.

Came out close to The Matrix (but not that close) and no one payed much atention. It is a great movie indeed.

First Hellraiser is fine for a indie B movie, no harm done. The rest is trash, although the concept of Leviathan in 2 (3?) is really neat.

Oh yes almost forgot, this music kickass. But still Dark City is pure kino miles away from Helltrasher

Dark city is kino, hellraiser is good but completely different genre, only thing similar to dark city are the bald and pale bad guys

>is hellraiser as good as this?
is falling off a roof as good as a blowjob?

dark city is kino and it's discussed here frequently
hellraiser 2 is pure kino but check out 1 first

first Hellraiser is so fucking boring, everything after the first is great though

peak gnostic kino

D-d-d-d-dar-k-k-k c-c-c-c-c-ci-t-ty is q--q-q-q-q-uite g-g-g-g-g is g-g-g-g-g its g-g-g-g interesting

The bit where his memories get replaced at the end is so good

>And is hellraiser as good as this?

no, Hellraiser is only watchable for memes

I didn't really get it. All the people go to sleep and they move stuff around omg! Turns out they were actually in space the whole time omg! Like, what?

i always tell people they dont even need to watch hellraised 1 because hellraiser 2 has a part at the beginning where they flashback to so much of hellraiser 1 that you pretty much get the gist of it.

>he thinks we discuss good films here

Dark City is one the best films of all time, virtually 100% perfect film.


Why are Redditors like this?

I never watched the movies, should I read the books first?


And everything after the 2nd (excepting that detective in a loop one) is pure shit.

it's sad they've made a director's cut which is less good than the original cut

Angelique is hot
The idea of depicting sexuality as something destructive - a kind of precipice leading to that level of destruction - is pretty cool

I thought it had something to do with Hellraiser too whenever I came across images of it. But yeah Dark City is in my list of favorite films. I prefer it over The Matrix which it's always being compared to.

I'd recommend City of Lost Children too. I didn't like it as much as Dark City but it's got a similar feel.

overlooked due to the matrix. dark city is true kino

Good call on City of Lost Children, equally good.