Rings of Power

Kino is back

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I will only watch it because of blackerinos

das rite crackas kneel for blm

wow that looks really bad. looks like a feminist stage play.

>plate armor, again

Middle-earth is supposed to look like The Northman and Beowulf and Grendel.

peak worbla

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it looks fucking amazing bros

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Looks like the elves surrounding them are ten feet tall.

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>no blacks

I will now watch your series.

Why are they all white? That's so fucking racist.

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What mobile game is this ad for?

Snownigger armor lol. Celts invented that crap 1000 years before muh nords.

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This looks like a video game cutscene. Every time i see an image from this doomed tv show i can't help but wonder how movies from 2001 still look better than this shit? They have unlimited money how can they be fucking up this hard?

In another timeline he could've been Tuor or even Beren

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Honestly I'm excited for this. Even the black elf looks good, he moves gracefully and looks elegant. I think we'll probably warm up to him after the first few eps.

Gil-galad looks great
>stage play
I think a ultra high budget stage production feel would actually work for this, at least for the scenes shot on sets.
Many of these actors are from theatre and will be speaking 'quasi-Shakeaspearean language' so you should probably expect it

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with young Fassbender as Turin, or his elf archer senpai

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what age is this taking place in again?

2nd age, it's about the rise of Sauron essentially

hey nice we might get celebrimbor