Say what you want about Michael Bay but he knows how use CGI. This was absolute kino in 2007

Say what you want about Michael Bay but he knows how use CGI. This was absolute kino in 2007

Attached: C67B80BD-45D0-471B-B25F-7C98A8EB77B0.gif (400x167, 449.13K)

Can't tell what's happening

genuinely can't tell what's happening

Why does it feel like movies have regressed from this?
I mean in terms of CGI, it’s a crap movie, but it’s well made crap.

This was the only scene where the decepticons actually looked threatening

Same, I have this problem with A lot of modern cgi fuckfests
Bay shoulda made more movies like Pain+Gain maybe he would be considered a kinologist already

>literally trash in a washing machine

Well it does look better than MCU shit. That's something.

>say what you want about Michael Bay
That he's a kinographer?

nigga it's a 400x167 GIF running at like 20FPS

Attached: 1513735369033.jpg (5400x2250, 3.59M)

they advertised the shit out of this movie
i'm still mad my parents didn't take me to see it in theaters

Dunno. This is cgi 10 years before Spider-Man homecoming

Attached: B47B5C70-1562-4809-ADC0-7D5670A6261B.jpg (711x390, 315.21K)

You missed out

yeah i know i'm seething

CGI used to be the marketing gimmick so they put effort into it
Nobody goes to see the movie FOR special effects anymore, so they just outsource it to some guy on a laptop in Delhi

It's not size/fps matter, it's more of visual legibility matter. Dark smth on dark backdrop is poorly seen without backlight

>big giant monster out in the open
>can't fucking get a clear look at it
>omg kino!!

Attached: 1651135746328.jpg (125x108, 2.15K)

People clearly don't know about shot composition

If you have to ask why we don't have a good thing anymore, the answer is usually "because someone decided it was too expensive."

>Give me your face!

Something happened where people who were young enough when this movie came out were able to move their eyes fast enough and 'read' it, despite there being no focal point, events on screen being at the far edges and one side then another rapidly, etc.
Now, because of that priming, they can still see what's happening in it. But if like me, you were in your 20s when the movie came out, you simply can't see anything except noise. Visual gobbledegook

>boomers losing their eyesight is a shocking revelation

Say what you want about Beast Wars but this was absolute kino in 1996

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 910.1K)

>People cried about the CGI in the Prequels, but Jar Jar is still a great example of CGI characters with natural movements and weight to them, which even blockbusters today still struggle with

The introduction scene with Blackout storming a US army base like it's just a fucking anthill was the most kino scene in the entire franchise and absolutely nothing else ever lived up to it. Bayformers could have just ended right there.

Blockbusters back then had a ton of effort when it came to technical aspects. Bay is very dedicated and his movies have a top tier sound design and CGI
I imagine him showing up to the sound dept and spending countless hours there telling the engineers "yeah but that doesn't sound 100% cool...only 99.98%"

M*rvel really ruined popcorn movies