These landes should be given back to Germany to keep the Oder safe and for the preservation of the environment

These landes should be given back to Germany to keep the Oder safe and for the preservation of the environment.

Attached: Blank_map_of_Europe_cropped.svg.png (1174x1200, 332.77K)

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yet another oder thread, obsessed

This, polacks have proven themselves to be incapable of building their own state. Every Polish man should be gassed and the rest of the Polin should be given to Israel.

Attached: JudeoPolin.jpg (432x432, 31.48K)

France is a mistake that happened in 1945 should've stayed American and under occupation like Germany

Is there even any idea to what caused this? All I've read is a bunch of fish died and Germans say there was mercury found in the fish, but Poland denies it.

We don't create natural disasters.

We don't know yet, some speculations say mercury.

you do. France is a natural disaster

Do frankoids really?

Poles done it, because it's a banana republic not an functioning state. I'm ashamed of being polish.
Air is polluted 24/7, because polacks burn trash and plastic in their shitty furnaces that were bought during interwar period.
Not only that, polluting rivers is something normal in poland, a year ago the whole city of warsaw started dumping their sewage into the Vistula.
Not much is going to happen tho, Baltic is already dead, because of the amount of the chemical weapons that were dropped into it during ww2.
You can get rich in this shithole by buying German trash and dumping it into the river for profit, because fines are a joke.
I wish I was German, French or Swedish, slavs are subhuman, that's how it looks like.

Attached: frog.jpg (250x228, 6.77K)

another retard. Please kill yourself already and stop posting, that will be to the best of everyone.

Why are you polluting the rivers with mercury?

no I don't

Hitler was right, that's all i'm going to say. One janny is surely Polish, because i was banned many times for being racist against poles in /polska/, kek.
This nation can't take any critique,

We did it with cyanide

Anyway, maybe we should actually know where, who and why. Right now it's almost no relevant info.

hope you will fullfil the hitler's message and kill yourself so we can have one pest less.

why are you setting your forrest on fire?

>butthurt polack rainbow hussar showed up shortly after to tell me that I'm wrong about his poor, cucked shithole and condominium
Cope and seethe polack, I was thinking about moving to Switzerland or any place that doesn't have poles in it.
I'm not going to say the truth about being polish, because even being a slave is better than being polish. I would much prefer to be Jewish instead.
Fuck you and fuck this "nation", Saint Oskar Dirlewanger should've killed more of us. I hate being polish, a nation of retarded toilet cleaners.
Go seethe on Russia, you seem to forgot about it. Also suck more Ukrainian dicks, it would be racist to refuse it. Fucking polish cattle, white negroes of Europe.
Ready for Ukrainian-Polish commonwealth? Go starve and freeze, don't forget to shout; "t-take t-that P-putin".
This nation can't be saved, you are fucking subhumans, nothing more to add about it.

>I was thinking about moving to switzerland
and why are you planning to ruin Swiss people's lives by the presence of a low IQ smelly subhuman in their country, don't you have any compassion? Just do what is expected from you and stop existing, you will never contribute to anything useful and you as a person is a worthless thing, more like net negative, moving somewhere means that your neighbors will suffer because of you, you selfish motherfucker

Thank God I had German grandparents and thus i'm not a double digit IQ white nigger like 90% of the Poles.
Oskar Dirlewanger. Famous German-born Polish philanthropist, patron of the Polish way of life, benefactor of Polish culture and sperm donor, granter of many a lonely Polish widow's wish of motherhood.
Say "Thank you, Oskar!".

Attached: Gigachad.jpg (168x300, 8.17K)

>you had german grandparent
cope, these were not german but germanized slavs, you are a vermin and you should off yourself and not living off someone elses live you worthless stealing piece of shit gypsy of europe

better would be give them Paris