Why couldn’t he beat Sheev?

Why couldn’t he beat Sheev?

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Yoda is weaker at battling and weaker in the Force. Simple as.

he's a midget

Welcome to your new home, freak.

Sheev can only be defeated by treachery

Where does he tailor his clothes?

Sheev had been hanging out with Dooku, the greatest lightsaber duelist of their time.

because rey is chosen one

He wasn't all of the jedi

Palpatine had some kind of sith meth crack crystal that boosted his forces powers 10x

Because it was a prequel, letting him alive was the only option Lucas had

Yoda had a power level of 8051 and could only reach Super Saiyan 2, whereas Sheev had a power level of 9010 and could reach Super Saiyan 3

The way it was presented I always interpreted them as equals

He puts up a good fight at least

Why did people get so butthurt about Yoda with a lightsaber when the lightsaber is primarily the weapon for battles between force users? It would be lame and boring if they just tried choking each other out.

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Why would he be in exile in episode v if he could have beaten Sheev himself?

The Jedi council was punished for their hubris. Yoda could not beat sheev because the sin of pride was holding him

Because Jim Hensen's arm was up his ass

He is too old. Yoda would own him in his prime. Also, he is the only one we see stop-force lightning with his hands.

>weaker at force

It was said if Yoda became a sith he would have been stronger than palpatine

Sheev was the bigger fish.

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sheev had the high ground because hes taller

Because he is an old sage. If he was in his prime I could see it snd force battles can be good if well done. Didn't Palpatine in old age say he was above lightsabers?

he just got kinda unlucky it was 50/50 idk lol

he had the high ground

yodas a oldhead kike

Yoda and Sidious throwing the senate seats at each other was cool as fuck. Just do something like that with the force. Besides, my problem isn't with Yoda having a lightsaber, it's with his fighting style being a bunch of goofy high-speed spinning in the air.

He pussied out. Palpatine was dangling from a ledge like an idiot and Yoda just bolted because for the first time in his long life, he was in a fight he wasn't sure he would win. And despite his old age and everything he had built being destroyed, he lacked the bravery to go until either he was dead, or Palpatine was dead. Yoda is a coward, and he did basically everything wrong in both the PT and the OT.

Obi Wan and Yoda could've saved the galaxy if the idiots didn't split up and they confronted Palpatine together instead.

Sheev house retirement is better and he gets better meds for its "old people problems"
Yoda gets generic brands and new age garbage.

>Battle for the fate of the Galaxy
>Sheev is having such a fun time he’s laughing his ass off even when dangling from a ledge.
Genuinely love this fight

why didn't yoda do his throw lightsaber thingy and cut palpy in half when he was hanging for dear life

He needed to recover it, it got knocked from his hand when he fell but he could have easily recovered it. Palpatine probably wouldn't still be dangling by that time, but instead of continuing the fight to the death, Yoda just ran.

Because the dark side is stronger in combat but the light side is stronger in a metaphysical sense.

must've been really fun for the actor

Yoda should have had much more versatility with the Force, being nearly 900 years old. Sheev was in his fifties.