By Eru's broken wind, I can fly!

By Eru's broken wind, I can fly!

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they fly now?

Oh boy I sure am excited to see how this mixed race romance subplot turns out!

they fly now

I do not watch shows with large amounts of Melanin.


mOsT eXpEnSiVe ShOw EvAr


Where does he get his hair cut like that? What's Mirkwood (formerly Greenwood)'s barbershop policy?

This is why the obi wan running scene was shit and all these productions are shitty. If you want to do a running scene you put the camera in a fucking car. With these skywire shitrigs they have to speed walk like a retard with a shitty diaper to stay in proper frame. But it’s “safer”, easier, and a whole extra company of Jews get a paycheck for it.

He actually looks good in these pics, chuds can't stop taking Ls

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>you put the camera in a fucking car
Through a woodland? You try that and get back to us, retard

White men cant jump

Because they are lightening his blackness, even his fronis gone now

Why the fuck would you give someone an office worker haircut in a fantasy film. Awful.

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lol fuck off nigger

This show looks worse every time I see a production photo

True he looks good for an orc.

>dirty elves

You set up a camera rail and then drive along the actor.

Cause only James Earl Jones can pull off the long straight hair.

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so he should be rocking a 1970s fro?

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