Austria V Germany

What the hell's they're problem?

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>what the hell is they are problem

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Auto correct kek

While we're at it, what the hells your problem. Anglos be angry.

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For us it’s more of an impotent rage you see

Was this the real reason Uncle Adolf destroyed Germany?

And your looking to sink your teeth into something?
I get that. Brits need another island ( preferably non European) to go fuck up, and then consequently build upon the existing infrastructure and improve the civilisation. Go to Haiti and put those nigs back in their place ,like the french of yesteryear.

Well they seem to cause a lot more trouble then warranted for the germans ,history seems to demonstrate

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I thought they liked each other THOUGH

i think austrians who think that way are just larping. in the end we are very close
was sich liebt das neckt sich, as you would say in german

So did I untill recently met a german in a bar who said Austrians are like germans but more critcal and quicker to insult someone.
Like he said they would be polite to you but really not mean it.
But it's not like they hate each others far from it he was saying.

>are just larping
Lol peoples across the world will find things to create a rivalry about, even if they dont mean it.

>germans but more critcal and quicker to insult someone.
But that's based.

Austrians are just bavarians who can't make good beer

Why do austrians speak german and don’t have their own language? Czechs have their own language, Poles too

we are a wine nation after all

>Petty squabbles are a good thing ! >Social disharmony is a good thing!

Is this the med brain in action?

Is the

>Is this the med brain in action?

Attached: Honorary Meds.png (800x1061, 1.6M)

Every single Austrian identified as German but decades of NATO propaganda since 1945 have psyoped them into believing they're a separate thing


Nice rare frog fren

Austria is Med, Germany isn't.

Sounds like Finland V Sweden

Because they're German. Pay attention, Sven.

Inferiority complex perhaps?

I thought the beer in Austria was pretty good and at least I didn't get approached by a crackhead or bum every 50ft in Austria

It will be good compared to north American piss that's for certain.

Austria was part of the Imperium Romanum, so we are civilized meds not barbaric germoids.