Yes goy...

>yes goy, God fearing Aryan conquistadors were of COURSE mexican spics with face tattoos and septum rings and knowledge of sign language

this episode felt degenerate as fuck not gonna lie.

Attached: The-Soldier-Love-Death-Robots-Jibaro-2022.jpg (1920x1080, 82.89K)

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Wuld smash tbqh

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It's a cautionary tale about ambition aimed at mumble rap zoomers. Alberto Mieglo could have used some Kinsky pastiche to reference The Wrath of God but today's kids have thick skulls and wouldn't understand that the story is telling them that they SHOULDN'T BE FUCKING ASSHOLES.

The anachronistic component in this story serves a function and that function is in harmony with the message of the story.

You have not developed a critical eye that allows you to distinguish between postmodern elements used in good faith from demoralizing political propaganda.

Attached: AlonsoDeErcilla.jpg (1371x1476, 1.38M)

>It's a cautionary tale about ambition aimed at mumble rap zoomers.
Just show them scarface. I'm sure they can understand the message there.

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It did not work. They love the idea of dying in a blaze of glory and Carlito's Way (1993) makes them lose attention.

Is it tiring constantly finding things to be offended by?

He is on constant alert. That's good. But he can't process information correctly so everything is a potential threat.

Dude are you fucking dumb? This whole short clearly had Hindi/India/Pakistan influences all over it. Those facial piercings and the bog witches overall design literally screams Hindu vibes.

Sucks your brain just equates all brown people as Mexican.

Read this OP. Is good. user in /lit/ told me that there are a few J. G. Ballard stories that Borges or Bioy Casares did not personally select but other than that I think the compilation is faithful.

Best wishes.

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>This whole short clearly had Hindi/India/Pakistan influences all over it.

Why YES goy! Indians were well renowened for using horses, being blessed by catholic monks and using full metal armor in the style of spaniards that conquered mexico. why of COURSE they were indian, how could not you tell??

Spics are not Aryan, Gonzalez.

why is this the only episode that gets brought up on here?

That's exactly what he was saying retard.

this, iberianoids will NEVER be white

>suck’s your brain equates characters dressed as Europeans with European religion as an ethnic group with European connections
I know, how could we not realize obviously there were catholic Indians in South America 500 years ago

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postmodernism elements ARE political propaganda in nature
the series is shit, the episode is shit, the idea of trying to teach like that is shit, all shit, super duper motherfucking turdlyshi SHIT.

>postmodernism elements ARE political propaganda in nature

Can you elaborate?

get some taste you nigger

>yes goy, Satan-loving moorish conquistadors were of COURSE mutant spics
Yes you ESL mutt

I'm sorry, were you saying something?

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conquistadors were essentially nordics.

user, I...

Attached: El_rey_Don_Rodrigo_arengando_a_sus_tropas_en_la_batalla_de_Guadalete_(Museo_del_Prado).jpg (800x607, 120.45K)

Oh, yes. Post Al-Andalus Spaniards were Nordic.

It's quite clearly fiction, dingus.

>it’s a coincidence that that all the nations founded by spics are brown shitholes including the original spic homeland, but trust me bro they used to be white

>Any Forums chudcel doesn't understand history
>thinks posting random wiki articles makes him smart or something

The mistake is to think in absolutes. There is a little bit of everything and everyone.

what the fuck am i looking at

Give me a quality argument instead. Elaborate on your position instead of fabricating a bad strawman.

pol is nothing but spics and krauts pretending they’re white, nice falseflag Juan.