How has Bill Maher not been cancelled for his Bella Thorne interview?
He brings her into his basement studio under false pretenses, pushes hard liquor on her, brushes aside her trauma of childhood sexual abuse, and makes repeated cringe-inducing unwanted advances.
What a lecherous out of touch boomer creep.
Also thank God that Redbar is finally back.

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Sorry user but Any Forums hates women. They will call maher based and you a cuck because that's just how they are

Maher actually says to her, jokingly, at 50:00:
>We give it to you straight here, with no lube!
>with no lube
To a girl who was (or at least claims) to have been repeatedly molested as a child.

>Sorry user but Any Forums hates women
I hate women too (and Redbar does as well), but Maher absolutely deserves to get flack for this.
It's just such peak boomercringe.

>Redbar does as well
How long have you been watching?

Maher is based. She's a fucking whore.

i haven't seen that clip, but youtube recommended other clips of his podcast or whatever the fuck it is, it's just him getting high as fuck, asking a celebrity questions, and not listening to the answers. someone cancel his shitty show

Jews are untouchable in media

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This guy is borderline unlistenable because of how much he fucking rambles without saying anything. I wanted to like him, the stuff he generally covers is in line with my interests, but I cannot fucking stand him.

Sounds like you made this up. Post links for proof

i want to hate bill maher but you can just taste the bitterness and jealousy. redbar stfu.

Give it a year.

in all seriousness, its a matter of learning his act and the character he's playing. people think hyde has layers, hyde's got nothing on redbar. keep at it and even the rambling will be enjoyable. or you won't get it.

Hyde's actually interesting and entertaining. I've watched more than enough of this dude to know the juice is most definitely worth the squeeze in terms of watching his shit. He's aggressively unfunny and his takes are uninteresting. His only value seems to be that he apparently makes retards like Kreischer and Joey Diaz seethe.

>makes retards like Kreischer and Joey Diaz seethe.
Good enough for me

the point stands. you're green on red.

What "point"?
>"dude i know you've already seen a ton of his stuff but like just watch a ton more and you'll eventually 'get it'."
Why are you acting like he's some kind of impenetrable andy kaufman-like brilliant personality lmao. I've watched the dude, he's boring.

Sounds like it's not for you, sport.

Got him mixed up with Bill Hader for a second and got worried. Bill Maher is a fogey and a hack, so I couldn't care less about someone who's only relevance was rising the coat tails for richard dawkins during the heavy atheist v. religion era of the 2000's and 2010's.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying retard. And looking at his numbers I'm struggling to understand who he IS for.

>can't just hit on pornstars you have to follow the laws of Bumble

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