How would your parents react if you brought home

a Muslim gf?

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Gone insane, becuse they muh orthodox trads.

Depends of the nationality, for example an Indonesian gf they wouldn't give a shit, Moroccan? Gone insane.

i need muzz

>it's fucking real

Imagine the amount of BWC breeding

no such thing. meds.

same, they have bad stereotypes and my parents are hindu religious
arent morocan women liberal compared to indo muslims....they just look like thai with hijabis
ofc, I can pass as a muslim
gotta see what's in there

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>arent morocan women liberal compared to indo muslims....they just look like thai with hijabis

The average Spaniard considers (Me too) north africans subhumans no matter their religion but others are like "Meh, weird ppl idk much about them bro"

I’m ashamed to say I signed up to this app using my real number name and photos the plan was just to pretend to be a convert and get laid.

Shock horror it’s all fake profiles. I deleted my account but they still text me years later on different numbers that I can’t block

i already did and my dad threw a fit. still shagged THOUGH

Coping shitskin right on cue

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Meh, hijab is mostly seen as fashion by a lot of girls here

Honestly my parents wouldn't care probably. My mom is no joke anti-racist, and my dad is like soft conservative racist ("How come the blacks can say the n-word in all their songs but get mad if we do")
That said I've smashed muslimas but I'd never have a longterm relationship with a girl who wasn't white

>north africans subhumans no matter their religion

too bad NAFRI women are pretty like Middle eastern ones, and their good looking ones would be considered bollywood tier here

even in Malay, so many were wearing hijabis
i get it tho

>too bad NAFRI women are pretty like Middle eastern ones, and their good looking ones would be considered bollywood tier here

I like not being stabbed, that's the main reason.

Muslims are crazy here. If non-muslims have to marry a muslim they have to convert or its never going to happen. But muslims can never convert to other religions

Hey, just look at indon TikTok scene lol
The majority of girls are wearing hijab there

Based Russian parents.
I wish you were a grill so I could marry you and hang out with your orthodox parents.


>1 million Muslims in London
Is that hyperbole? No way there's that many

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