Does Ewan have bad karma?

Is the shittiness of the Kenobi show a negative karmic consequence of Ewan McGregor cucking Mary Elizabeth Winstead's ex-husband?

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No Ewan is giving his character the same exact treatment Patrick Stewart gave Picard.

because they are both assholes and nothing like the character they played.

Rileybros you fuckin LOST now stop whining

>Karma made Disney hire a incompetent director and writer
X for doubt

Every affair isn't "cuckolding" you zoomer degenerate. He divorced her after.
>inb4 t. Riley


You're a literal scumbag if you take another mans wife especially if its because you and her are both leagues above him.


Scottish cocksuckerbros are in for a long haul

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>birds of prey box office
wtf he got even the mad genius

That's literally what karma is

explain this to me please

kek that's funny as fuck and wish there was more shit like that in hollywood.

qrd on this celeb drama

MEW left her faggy husband for Obi Wan and the guy turned into a mad cunt

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what the fuck

The best part of that saga was ewan McGregors daughter writing a song about MEW and calling her a PUTA because she split up her parents

It was pretty wild but he seems to have calmed down since then

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hol up
Riley should just fuck ewan's daughter
they would both get revenge


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and what about taking another woman's husband?

lol and then she was in the new Obi Wan shows and gave him some drugs and said "take these and you'll forget all about her" and you can tell it's in reference to her mother and not young Leia.

Women don't make decisions. They do what men let them. That's why the buck stops with Ewan. He took advantage of the situation probably because he's a manlet.

LAtinas seething.

let's be real Ewan walking out on his wife and kids for MEW is a pure scumbag move. he will end up regretting it as the biggest mistake of his life.

How is that guy not in jail?

too based