The plight and discrimination of brown Asians has to stop

The plight and discrimination of brown Asians has to stop.

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Filipinos and poles one in the same.
Both are retarded and can't do anything on the own.

filipino more succesful in USA than hapaly asian

Take a drink every time Josh seethes about WMAF in his comics

Aren't Filipinos like the second highest earning households out of all Asians in USA?

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Do maids earn THAT much?

i dont get his seethe, because, in his eyes, "white" asians aren't actually discriminated against anyways

They should deport all philipinos

I didn’t know nurses are called maid in Spain.
Is that pseudo european country even exists today?

You should be deported to Turkey for looking like abnormal european piece of shit.

Well it's more their husbands
The filipinos in America are mostly wives of white men

'una on the 'log

Of course it exists, what a bizarre question
Considering how many filipinos DESPERATELY wish an ancestor of theirs was raped by a spaniard it's strange to me that you aren't aware of that fact

>middle strip

the poorest Filipino American in Us is still a more comfortable life than what's probably 80% of the Filipinos.
Josh needs to shut the fuck up already.

Nope, mixed had their own category. These households refer to households who specifically refer to themselves as that ethnic group

Do you get all your info from random anons on a Korean basketweaving forum?

most women who are married to white guys are poverty tier girls and I doubt they have any income at all.

It's mostly medical professionals then mechanics, engineers then tech.
I work in IT even I get offers to move to the U.S with even them paying for my apartment I would be staying up to 10 months.

>Filipinos and poles
Negroes of Asia and Europe.

Lol that dude has room temp IQ. His maths doesn't even hold up. If it was "mostly" thier white husbands, than the "average American" category would be higher than 52 grand a year, much closer to the 83 grand that fills make.

That's funny coming from the niggers of whites.

Maid is popular occupation in Japan.

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That's why I can call others niggers, nigger.