Have you ever tried psychedelics in your country? Tell about your experience

Have you ever tried psychedelics in your country? Tell about your experience

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Yeah I have. AMA

Hapкoтики нe yпoтpeбляeм, тoвapищ мaйop.

Attached: 00b (1).jpg (250x250, 11.35K)

do you prefer strawberry ice cream or v anilla?

A ты caм пoпpoбoвaть нe хoчeшь? Bыpacтить мapихyaнy лeгчe пpocтoгo
пpичeм ceмeнa мoжнo лeгaльнo y нac кyпить и выpaщивaть дoмa (этo yжe кoнeчнo нeзaкoннo пoэтoмy нa cвoй cтpaх и pиcк)

I like both :)

I've done ayahuasca 5 times in the past 5 years

shrooms about 4-5 times, acid 5-6 times, mdma like 3-4 times if you count it as psychedelic
never had a bad trip, only what i would call a challenging trip which gave me a new perspective on life and heightened my mood for a while after.
if you don't have any MH issues and are in a healthy mindset you'd probably enjoy and benefit from them

>shrooms about 4-5 times, acid 5-6 times, mdma like 3-4 times if you count it as psychedelic

Which you liked the most?
How trip changed you?
Did you became a DIFFERENT PERSON or something?

Isn't ayahuasca like the most hard psychedelic? How does it felt tripping on it? And why so many times?

Yes, I've done shrooms, acid, 2-cb and DMT (Changa).
But that's years ago now, took MDMA again like a year ago but other than that I've mostly stopped using anything.

Yes, it's quite fun. Acid is crazy tho. Sometimes you can't track time, normally you get to a point where you no longer feel the weight of social structure and its made up rules. Uh it can also upset your stomach.

Tbh I only hallucinated on my first time, other than that it doesn't really happen to me at least. One time I took some just because I was bored and I found a horseapple on my campus and it was freaky.

I also did half a hit of acid, smoked a bowl or two, drank some beer, and ate an edible one day just to fight off depression after I was going through psychosis. Oh yeah, acid bad if you are schizo, but eh I don't know how much it really affected me. Most of the decline in my mental health was before I did acid.

for gaining insights into myself and the world, acid, for fun and for social interaction, mdma
it made me perceive myself less as an individual and more as part of something greater, i felt more connected to the world, to other people, to animals, etc.
wouldn't say i'm a different person, but definitely more accepting of other people, myself, etc. and don't have as much anger and depression within now that i've had these experiences

i've done acid 4-5 times, but none have matched the first time
I just haven't been able to dose myself in the sweet spot, it either ends up disappointing because I just giggle a bit and get some mild visuals or I take too much and it gets scary

>Isn't ayahuasca like the most hard psychedelic?
I think that's dmt which is the concentrated version, aya is more 'natural'
>How does it felt tripping on it?
I had two different kinds of experiences
One was when I took it alone and I felt what could be describe as a 'God' or 'powerful entity' show me crazy things that are indescribable. It would just keep repeating 'Look at this, look at this' and I could see weird contraptions that it was creating right in front of me, but I could see them past my eyes field of view. It was very intense and I just felt like the God was really excited to see me, almost like a child.
The second experience was when I took it with a lot of people and even though I don't remember much from the experience itself I believe we collectively interacted with people, animals and plants who weren't there but they were true for all of us at the same time.

I'm sorry it's really hard to describe
>And why so many times?
Every christmas me and my family go to a city with indian tribes to donate stuff and we do it with them


whats the psychedelic scene like in russia btw? i feel like it would be much smaller but then again i've watched popular russian movies like brat which referenced acid

A group of my friends do ecstasy every 90 days or so to avoid addiction while still doing it. I've been considering it, but the hassle of fentanyl testing it and the worry of OD is too much for me, so I stick to weed and the occasional acid.

if you havent tried it before i'd recommend going through the hassle, probably my favourite drug, makes you feel extremely connected to people and talkative so doing it with friends is the best (not to mention the euphoria and uncontrollable urge to dance is pretty great too)
luckily we don't yet have the fentanyl problem here, but i've talked to people who bought mdma which turned out to be meth, so probs should be more cautious myself

actually now i think about it ive seen a couple things about fentanyl here, but its not widespread yet

I remember trying to walk to the beach as I was just hitting the peak, and having to do it on the side roads because I was tripping so hard that I couldn't differentiate background objects from things right in front of me
had to get off the main road because I was paranoid people were seeing me carefully step around things that weren't there and flinching thinking I was about to walk into something
that was the same trip I had the sensation that I was completely stationary but the world was moving around me as I walked

That sounds like what happens when I did acid, although with more putting my hands in my mouth and biting people XD