Does anyone in Europe actually like Russia? My impression is that even Belarus and Serbia aren’t really fans

Does anyone in Europe actually like Russia? My impression is that even Belarus and Serbia aren’t really fans.

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I do. The butthurt belt and anglotards are not everybody.

The closer you are to Russia, the more you hate it. USA is the only exception.

Noone likes us and never liked. If you hear someone say the opposite then be sure its fake

Of course not, everyone would rather get rid if them, they are nothing but nuisance. Patton was right about them, they are Asiatic dogs.

Dude you are literally mongoloid russian from /rus/ threads turn off your VPN scum

What is to like about Russia?

most people were pretty much indifferent to russia because all we knew is that they are an oligarchical shithole that delivered us natural resources for cheap. Now that we support current thing, most people hate them and even attack russians who live here because the average person is retarded

You are paranoiac, moron.

I like Russia to a degree. It's a grey country. Some cities are gorgeous, offering a distinct yet European foreign culture, whereas other cities are miserable and bland. The people of Russia are uncouth and crass, but also diligent and loyal to their misguided values. Finally, the government of Russia is both a bully and a responsible guarantor of peace on the international level.

What is Bearing Straight?

Alaska doesn’t count.

The USA and Russia are the same country
Dont let the lizard men tell you otherwise

Only retarded Poles dislike them
99% of Europeans accept Russia as a great power and respect it

Cope russian shit, your race is cancelled

Have fun freezing this winter

>freezing in +5 winter
rushit intellectual

Your industrys gonna freeze that's for sure

Your dead body will freeze on the frontline that's for sure

>What is Bearing Straight?
ya exactly, we are close to Russia but we still love them.


USA, state Russia

Pathetic, another rushit who pretends to be a foreigner. Why are you so embarrassed of being a kacap?

Unlike your hohol kind, Russians don't conscript 16 year olds to Die for jews