The most shit-upon sequence in Star Wars history

>the most shit-upon sequence in Star Wars history
>has more soul and entertainment value than the whole of Disney Wars put together

it makes me sad for the potential that we lost by George's soulful worldbuilding

Attached: obi wan.png (1170x534, 578.26K)

inb4 some chud says prequels were bad too

>the most shit-upon sequence in Star Wars history

What? Yeah it looks a little over choreographed but it's the least of The Phantom Menace's problems. At least you can tell what's going on and there isn't 50 cuts in 30 seconds.

>the most shit-upon sequence in Star Wars history
What is?

i bypassed the compressor

>Darth Maul would've returned as the Big Bad of George's Sequel Trilogy with Darth Talon as his sexy apprentice
I will never not be mad.

none of us have a problem with them, false flagging troon

Before nu-wars this scene was the only part of the prequels that people liked. I posted about ten years ago how this scene rules and got shit on. “The prequels were actually good” is a meme that’s only been around for about five years

George should've been a Tolkien type autist that just comes up with cool consepts and someone else makes the films.

compared to the original trilogy, Lucas' vision with the prequels was wholly unique (probably to the gen X fanboy detriment), and spurned a whole universe of worldbuilding, video games etc. and lore in just 3 movies

Disney Wars still is banging on about skywalkers 3 movies and god knows how many series later

The prequels were unironically better than the OT. They actually went into detail about the politics and what started the war. The OT are just good action films.

there's always at least one holier than thou faggot here who says the prequels were shit too

False. The Prequels did well. They moved product and only some real autists ended kid Anakin and Jar-jar's careers. NuWars is just trying to be space Marvel and they can't even compete with fanfic on writing quality.

That's not saying much.
Like saying this turd is more polished than that other turd.

They do world building really well, better than OT imo. Clone Wars into early Empire is the best canon time period. The two first prequel movies are pretty fucking horrid except for some cool fights. ROTS is pretty good. I think it's on par with the OT films.

Literally the best lightsaber fight in the entire saga.

The fight was fine. The problem is every 10 seconds the fight stops to cut to jar jar slapstick, padme and company shooting robots and a little boy spinning in a spaceship. The movie is a mess.

Attached: jar-jar-binks-ep-one.jpg (1539x679, 250.97K)

The prequels are complete garbage. Take off the nostalgia goggles, dumb fucks

They were everything I wanted as a kid, you got to see young Obi Wan a young Anakin, what the jedi council was like in the old days, Palpatine's rise to power. Yes there was shit in there too like Jar Jar - but these are kids' films at the end of the day.

Better than every single duel in the sequels. Never had a problem with the PT choreography. It's a movie for crying out loud.

It's emotionless. Luke vs Vader had more pathos
That's what it amounts to and you know this

Revenge of the Sith is literally the best out of all nine main films.

It's entertaining in a The Room kind of way, I'll give it that. Unlike the other prequels or Disney wars which is borderline unwatchable

Even though the prequels are not perfect comparing them to the sequel trilogy is the perfect example of the soul vs soulless meme.

Muh RedditLetterMedia says it bad so it bad

All of this happens in ROTS. The two first films are completely pointless from a narrative perspective. They have good worldbuilding and vehicles to make toys out of.

Movies are supposed to create suspense. The prequel dance-fights are the opposite of that. And they go on for way too long

I think they're both good in their own ways. I don't subscribe to the usual Any Forums opinion that only one part can be good and thats means all other things bad. Luke and Vader is great character building. Obi-wan, Qui-gon, and Maul are far better action scene showing experts really going at it, and without all the lame cgi used in later episodes which made it look like a cartoon

phantom menace > attack of the clones

Lucas aimed the movies at kids - flashy lightsaber fights - kids loved them, so the PT was basically perfect for them

Disney fights are boring and soulless, just like the "worlds" they build (forgettable shit-coloured alien #9) etc.