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Nightclub edition

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First for my mommwife Abeloth.

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built for big (black) wookie cock

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What we could've had..

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Bros... KOTOR Remake is going to save us, right?

Remind me of when they weren't shitty.
>losing to ewoks


Xizor will show up in Kenobi 2

Kotor 1 is basically a Mass Effect 1 prototype with a Star Wars skin.


The other big issue (perhaps my biggest) is that on a visual level it's a somewhat flat film. It's inoffensive and workmanlike and conveys the story well enough, but it's rarely interesting to look at outside of the effects work.

How many Jedi are supposed to have survived Order 66? and how many are alive still by Kenobi? What's the point of the Inquisition if Vader is hunting down Jedi? The only justifications I can think is they are there just to cover more ground (the galaxy is a big place after all - though I don't necessarily see if they add much in the search) or a great number of Jedi ended up surviving.

I think its something like a dozen in Disney canon. Was hundreds in the EU.

Obi Wan is already worse than Solo, Booba Fett, and Episode 7

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>How many Jedi are supposed to have survived Order 66? and how many are alive still by Kenobi?
'bout treefiddy
>What's the point of the Inquisition if Vader is hunting down Jedi?
Disney Vader is kind of lazy.

I genuinely hope KOTOR remake will turn out to be an unminigated disaster so Disney will never have the guts to touch anything KOTOR-related ever again.

there's been like a hundred killed post-66 within disney canon alone, there's still plenty alive out there but they aren't really "jedi" anymore

>Was hundreds in the EU
More like a few dozens. Some (namely K'Krukh) even survived well into the Legacy era.

There were at least one hundred. Keep in mind the Inquisitors also hunt down rogue darksiders & force users who aren't loyal to Palpatine (people like Maul, Ventress, and Ahsoka) and force sensitives (people like Ezra) in general. Yoda & Kenobi going back to the temple in III to reconfigure the alert beacon means they think there more survivors beyond them.

Episode 4 was like a good Jedi Knight 2 mission this time. The acting was alright nobody was a complete failure. I give it a 6/10

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>Nightclub edition

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Commander Kearney...the time has come. Execute Order 44.

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Look at this dude.

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You've mentioned it, so you have to post them...

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EU had about 200 survivors if you included Padawan learners who ran or were told to run while their masters died. Discounting them as not actually Jedi, just Jedi-in-training, approximately fifty to a hundred full Knights and Masters survived the initial Order 66 execution. Over the subsequent 1-5 years, their number dropped down to less than half that. Most of the Padawan learners got caught and killed too.

The initial number of Jedi Knights was ten thousand, with another couple thousand Padawans. Palpatine managed to get 99% of the Order in ONE go, everything after that was pure cleanup. He was unironically the most successful at wiping the Jedi out ever. Sure he didn’t get 100%, but 99% is pretty fucking good.

>Insane in the membrane

>you were warned what defeat would meme
what did he mean by this?

You know it will be pozzed to a degree that it will be unrecognizable. Disney doesn’t care because they fuck things up beyond recognition so much no-one can actually identify what they were trying to do in the first place, so they just keep going.

>rogue darksiders & force users who aren't loyal to Palpatine
How many rogue darksiders and force users are there beyond people like Maul, Ventress and Ahsoka? And also, are the Inquisitors even qualified for that? Surely you would send someone like Vader (not a bunch of former Jedi Padawans and at best Jedi Knights) if you wanted to bring down those three.
>force sensitives in general
What's the point? Who is going to train them if there are no Jedi left? Do the Inquisitors train them to get more Inquisitors; if so what's the point in that?

Kotor 1 is a better game than mass effect 1

You will always have the original 2 games to play, so why even bother with hating the remake?

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Has anyone ever done an edit where Padme's in that club and you can see her butthole?

>Do the Inquisitors train them to get more Inquisitors; if so what's the point in that?
The Inquisitors were trained by Vader, and I believe the implication in the comics is that Vader also eventually kills them when there's no more use for them.

because they've built their petty vindictive soiboi zoomer identities entirely around hating disney and not liking anything at all
you don't think they actually ENJOY the expanded universe do you? they don't play KOTOR, they just read about it on wookieepedia so they can pretend to be real fans

>How many rogue darksiders and force users
A ton. At least in the EU. The EU's Kylo Ren equivalent goes on some big quest to train with other force groups.

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Do rodian chicks give a good sucky-sucky?

The early seasons of The Clone Wars genuinely look like video-game cutscenes now.

I get that, but why are the Inquisitors hunting down force sensitives with no training and no possibility to get training?

they're deliberately trained to be not as good as Vader is lest they become threatening to him (which they aren't at all)
this is good for dabbing on retarded padawans and out-of-training bitch knights, but when they face a real powerful force wielder, they generally die (by design), and that's when Vader gets involved - an ex-jedi or padawn capable of taking down an inquisitor needs to be dealt with by the boss

Just to play it safe, I guess. It's what Palpy wants.

Episode 6 of Boba is worse than all of it though.
>Hey what if we stole Empire dialogue for our shitty nostalgia trip with CG Jake who had nothing to do with anything

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I dont care enough about disney trash to hate it. Lmfao.

This reminds me of how fucking awful the AI voice sounded like.

Fuck no. They are going to ruin it.