Well, was it worth it?

Well, was it worth it?

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Attached: BladeRunner4-FA.jpg (1335x1001, 233.95K)

trent reznor should have scored this not hans zimmer

and nic refn should have directed

It was a snooze. Felt like it was cobbled together by bad TV writers.

Why didn't they have a fivesome (JOI makes five)

Original is still better, Leto was embarassing and the remake hit a few cliche notes. I also prefer the original aesthetically.
Not this fucking hack

absolutely, it was the best movie theater experience I had

Attached: br2049-opening.webm (1000x414, 2.91M)


Attached: ana.webm (1080x1320, 2.81M)

>Not this fucking hack
right cause denis was better


I am fine with one extremely good BR film every 30 years.

blade runner 2099

the “WE ARE DA REBELION” part felt so forced and unnecessary to me but maybe I got filtered

nah it was gay but at least they didn't focus on it

That was intentional, seriously.


If you haven' noticed K literally denies the entire resistance/rebellion.
The replicant rebellion is there to show how K has to make a individual decision not depending on anyone to truly become special so he denies both Wallace and the rebellion. Also to show how both sides (Wallace and the rebellion) want to use K as a tool for their own goals, which is reflected in the fact that they both are in water reflected settings and both the rebellion bitch and Wallace are blind in some way or another.

The resistance told K to go kill Deckard so no one ever finds the child. He did the literal opposite

yes, Refn made like 4 good movies in the very beginning of his career and then made nothing but the worst shit you can imagine

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Better than the original.

>30 minute story
>2 hours left are filled with staring into nothing
>because long movies are le good
yeah, it sucked ass.

What is the justification for needing an 80 foot hologram to advertise a product

Its kinda irrelevant to the main plot. Only K story matters.