How come there hasn't yet been a modern movie adaptation of Dante's Inferno?

How come there hasn't yet been a modern movie adaptation of Dante's Inferno?

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What do you think the movie Requiem For A Dream was about?

Inferno with T. Hanks

>Reddit For a Dream

Because other than some cool depictions of torment, the story is an Italian man walking and gloating over the damned's suffering. While being obsessed with Florence's political climate in the 13th century because the author was a fanfiction tier self insert.

Why are right wingers so sensitive?


>Because other than some cool depictions of torment, the story is an Italian man walking and gloating over the damned's suffering.

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>he can’t appreciate a fantastical fever dream vision of hell for what it is

>relishing on the damned suffering
>obsessed with the political climate of his time
>writes self insert fanfiction
Woah, I hadn't noticed Dante is literally me.

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>9th circle: Treachery
>being a traitor is worse than being a thief, murderer, rapist etc

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it was a diferent time...

House that jack built

Also I'm pretty sure homosexuals got a worse punishment than murderers kek

Your fairy tales from an ancient book aren't real.

Interestingly I don't think pedos are mentioned, I could be wrong tho

Neither is fucking Harry Potter but I bet you eat that shit up

Christinaty is full of pedos. Are you really that surprised?

Those go to the second circle.

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Well Dante WAS Catholic so...

You don’t see how all those stem from betraying someone in some way? It’s the mens rea that leads to all that

Because it's pleb tier. The true emotional climax happens at the end of Purgatory

90 minutes of straight torture porn would get old.
If we got the entire divine comedy in a single movie I think it would be pretty good though.

It’s like with the original dune series, 90 percent of the readers never go past the first book

Always kill a traitor before the enemy, Jimbo.

user, don't be retarded. If you rob or kill your son or a friend it's morally worse than killing someone you don't even know. Think about it logically.

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