So new ep coming out in like 30 minutes. how hard will it suck?

so new ep coming out in like 30 minutes. how hard will it suck?

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golf ball through garden hose

why are right wingers so sensitive

Misplace your other thread?

why are retards like you unable to come up with anything on your own, just parroting catchphrases from your phone like a 10 year old

>right wingers
you mean hardcore star wars fan from the eu

Why did Vader just let him go at the end of the last episode?

after episode 3, it can be any lower right?right?
give me a little hope please

Bad writing.

because he RAN AWAY

Why are right-wingers so se-
Oh, someone beat me to it

Chrome off a trailer hitch

Its shows like this why they stopped releasing it all at once.

I thought this was wednesday night but cool I got something to do tonight I guess

its wednesday morning in yurop

the "good" moments in this show are horrendous, so take a wild guess

because a robot carried ob1 and walked away slowly even though they had the city surrounded

Wednesday arvo here

> literally 8m of fire on the ground
> will take 20 seconds to slowly walk around
> vader and 30 stormtroopers vs cucked out Kenobi who can't even fight
oh I guess he just got away

It will suck dick so hard I'll be transgender by the end.


im still waiting for the faggots to start using their lazerswords as helicopters