The perfect woman doesn't exi-

>the perfect woman doesn't exi-

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te me

>fourth reich aryan nazi
>has brown roots
bravo rogen

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so you're telling me charlize theron doesn't fit the aryan ideal?

He has brown blood, not pure Aryan like me


>adopting negro kids and turning them into sissies

>plays a psychotic, Illuminati-controlled gimp
>becomes a psychotic, Illuminati-controlled gimp calling for gun control decades later
bravo mconaughey

Absolutely not. She’s insane.

you achieved most retarded post of the day

and yet none of them dyed their hair blonde as a glib facsimile of aryanhood you fucking peat gavel

yeah but they didn't dye their hair

It's a fucking television show


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no the OG big-nose eastern european was superior

Why does rogen hate white people so much

can you just hit the "I was pretending" stage and exit already

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reread the post I'm quoting you pair of sallow-skinned mongoloid mouthbreathers, or better yet learn to fuking read

>third reich
>third reich
>third reich
Are you done embarrassing yourself yet?

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so they would not resume their race and will die in twentys

>swiftly changes the goalposts when called out on his retardation
pot, meet nigger

Dark features are strength. Nobody wants soulless blue-eyed blonde brats.

>loses and immediately pulls out the n word card
oh no no nooooooooo ahahahahahahaha

I accept your surrender

the Any Forumscel enters its final life stage: delusional refusal of all reality. he is wrapped warm in a blanket of false reassurance that the sky is not blue, water is not wet and he has not been owned on Any Forums
having not reproduced, his geneline ends here