How the fuck did they decide on anything?

how the fuck did they decide on anything?

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Bipartisanship used to be a thing before Obama and Trump

Gee, almost like that's an entire theme in these films

Star Wars

>t. zoombrain


no it wasnt. look into clinton era gridlock and delete tiktok, zoom zoom

in the words of the great sheev

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>vote now vote now vote now

Yeah, Reagan fucked everything up.

There never was.

We have the illusion of choice.

The idea of America being “unified” ever is just utter nonsense the only time america is ever unified is during major crises ww2, 9/11, Covid for like 2 months

Outside of those sorts of things political the USA has always been at its own throat. Old fucks claiming otherwise are just rose colored glasses

That was the whole point of the prequels, that democracy is good and fair but in crisis it's too slow and ineffective, that's why Romans came up with the Dictator title to counter the weekness of the senate

They didn't that's why there were separatists. Their democratic process was shit because larger planets had more say than smaller planets.Thus when conflict occurred on these smaller planets they had to suffer, got no help, etc.

The Trade Fedaration/Separatists were low-key 1000% correct.

They didn't. That's why they fell for the dictator that promised he could make something happen.

Concept of Galactic Republic is a joke. Fel Empire is much superior

>america unified for the pandemic

Today there are politicians that run on a platform of pretending that the other party is made up of villains. They paint themselves into a corner so that they can't take it back and get work done. It's why the filibuster destroys all legislation because they can't be seen to budge an inch. The root of the problem is the voters that don't see through it and actually think perpetual intransigence is somehow good.

The same way congress does. They probably have a Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer alien too.

Andor coming to disney + this august

Yes everyone agreed to the first month of lockdown

No the problem is democracy itself and it’s always been like this.

For over a century the congress has given its authority to the courts because there is no incentive to actually legislate in the modern media environment. Better off just making clips for radio and tv adds and not voting on any serious legislaiton.

The only important things down for 60 years has been through courts because congress has no reaosn to act and in fact every reason to perpetuate problems (solving problems eliminates voters)

The problem isn’t the modern filibuster or some mythical bygone era of bipartisanship. The problem is an 18th century republic designed for white rich Englishmen trying to operate in a 21st century world empire with massive ethnic and cultural diversity.

This freaky fucker

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Not wrong.

Those discs can fly, probably have blasters too. That's where they do the real Star War.

Dont br hatin' this nigga just loves order

he's not wrong. Supreme Court votes and most bills/laws were winning by 75-80% yes margins overwhelmingly until the Obama era. Hell the concept of blue state vs. red state outside of the south wasn't even a thing until the 90s.