Movies where guys help a loser incel have a good time?

Movies where guys help a loser incel have a good time?

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Jesus I don’t think I’ve seen Nicholson look this gay ever

it was very manly for the 1970's. Also the movie rules.

I thought the same thing but honestly this movie is great

70s/80s were the last time you could pull this off without looking gay
gays gentrified a lot of cool things desu

around season 13 or 14

Him and Randy both were nominated for an Oscar for this.

The 40-Year-Old Virgin

Randy really looked like a retarded version of his brother Dennis when he was younger kek

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The first half of it anyways then it turn into nightmare apocalypse scenario

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weird that they never did any movies together, wouldve been kino. this is the only pic i can find of them together, im guessing they didnt speak to each other, probably cuz Randy was nuts

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men kino

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How about one where Jack Nicholson does it for a whole group of incels?

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dennis was jealous for a long time because randy was loved and had a career
then dennis got in with the bad hollywood people and not he has a career and randy is labeled a nutter

lol who laughs with their mouth wide open like that
I want a surreal black comedy where people laugh like fucking pterodactyls now

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shit like that never happens IRL

>"No *#@!!* Navy's going to give some poor *!!@ kid eight years in the #@!* brig without me taking him out for the time of his *#@!!* life."

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What did he mean by this?

The Ringer sorta