User please take a seat

>user please take a seat.
>just real quick, could you tell me...
>what *is* a woman?

Attached: 1654611477494.png (1749x1143, 942.95K)

A miserable pile of secrets.

A chick.

Adult human female

i can't...

But enough talk, you're making me uncomfortable

i don't know ask our new supremem court justice lololol

>all straight white males should fucking die!
>could you answer some simple questions about the ideology your life is based around?
>Y-you're trying to erase me, to kill me!!!! HELP SAVE ME DRAG KIDS ON DISCOVERY+ AIEEEEEEE

A woman is an adult human with a feminine gender identity.

There. You can stop reposting your little "gotcha" now.

Couldn't even answer the question correctly.

define "feminine"

>An adult human whose biology directs them to reproduce through gestating a fetus
There, a definition that trannies can't go BUH WHUH ABOUT STERILE WOMEN to

if it were me i'd say a woman is a human being you can inseminate and create another human being

a man without accountability or reason

>seek out children and teenagers to talk about their sexuality on camera
Matt Walsh is a groomer and if you support this movie you support the grooming of children.

I am a Woman.

So an infertile female isn't a woman?

A woman is a baby jirl i want to sex with. Big bobs and beautiful sexy smile. Yes.

So all post menopause women are men? Try again.

>twinks are women
>butch lesbians aren't
You're worse than the chuds.

A human with female sex characteristics
>Smug chud btfod eternally

I am watching the documentary right now.
Its actually hilarious how retarded leftoids are.
The documentary is a good watch and actually funny

why not just add the adjective 'infertile woman' there? does it have to be complicated

>you're not a woman until you can afford reassignment surgery
Nazi bourgeois scum.

Women are fertile in principle