Who ever was complaining the other day about this... you just got BTFO'd

Who ever was complaining the other day about this... you just got BTFO'd.

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This is bad because i’m a retard.

Whos that back there

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thats a neat idea but i still think the film will be bad.

Comanche on these nuts

Better than nothing but
Why do Americans hate subtitles, btw?

Those demons?

well it's a series so you're safe

Good, now it needs Apocalyto tier violence for it to be good

like as a dub? if so thats gay.
if its in comanche with subtitles then thats pretty kino

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>see trailer today
>kinda weird they're speaking perfect american english
>wonder if they're gonna get pushback
>go to r/movies
>see the top post
Guess they got it covered no worries.




>Not going full Apocalypto and doing that language from the beginning
Genuinely disappointed.

I was under the impression most abodiginals didn’t have written languages

I went to that thread and saw a bunch of people saying
>no its fine when they speak english, its better to just imagine it in your head and it makes the characters more relatable. thats what i do in star wars!
fucking retarded children

will watch it in comanche first. fuck all you race obsessed tranny chuds lol.

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kino if its actually in comanche, cringe if its just a dub from english

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The predators are the redneck hillbillies of the Predator race.

Somewhere out there is white tie events where vegan predators sip martinis and host predator piano players and have pedophile parties like Eyes Wide shut

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