Name 1 instance where the Director's cut is better than the original release

Name 1 instance where the Director's cut is better than the original release

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>Blade Runner

Literally nothing else

Blade Runner ?
The Butterfly effect ?

literally everyone i know, Watchmen, ZSJL and on and on

The theatrical cuts of LotR are the director's cuts.

>“The theatrical versions are the definitive versions,” Peter Jackson told IGN in 2019. “I regard the extended cuts as being a novelty for the fans that really want to see the extra material.”

Heaven's Gate


the shorter cuts of andrei rublev and killing of a chinese bookie
even tarkovsky conceded that his original cut was bloated as fuck

Bvs and Justice League

Kingdom of heaven

apocalypse now

In the future Northman Directors cut

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Whose cut is it if it's not the directors?

but which one?

Kingdom of Heaven


The Butterfly Effect.


the studio's

This slightly improves it but it's still a shit movie regardless

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in any other circumstance you couldn't convince anyone to think that mutilating a baby's penis is not only the right thing to do but also a morally good thing. but with religion it's not only possible but it's a reality.

King Kong 2005

Batman v Superman
Justice League

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Only Jews and Muslims do it for religious reasons; Americans and a surprising number of Australians and Canadians do it because they've been brainwashed into thinking it's normal.

This and also Doctor Sleep

>Doctor Sleep
True. Forgot about that one.

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This. I’m fact I just watched the theatrical on tv and I think op made this thread for someone to say this.

South Koreans do it as well because they fell for the aesthetic meme. Many African nations do it for muh manliness or “hygiene”.

>what is editing

What's bizarre is that my parents aren't even religious or Jewish. They're just brainwashed american cucks.