What the fuck happened to the standard of political debate in the United States? Pizzagate? Q user...

What the fuck happened to the standard of political debate in the United States? Pizzagate? Q user? Every government official being a paedophile? How did paranoid schizophrenia enter the mainstream?

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all of those are/were CIA psyops to ridicule right wing in the USA

Your country is retarded and willingly handed over all rights it won over its history to a bunch of fabian bureaucrats after being demoralized post ww2. The political debate in your cunt is perennially about trivial things like whether your sloppy knob of a PM drank at a party.

the jews

Death to ALL chuds.


Can't find the image right now but it's always been that way. During the American revolution schizo conspiracy theories about George III imposing Catholicism on the colonies spread all over the place. An English visitor asked one of these proto-Qtards why they would think that and he said he read it in the newspaper.

read a book you ape

>What the fuck happened to the standard of political debate in the United States
Never existed. America was always a oligarchy pretending to be a democracy

Meanwhile the "Conservative" party of the UK has a gay wing and is pro-abortion

You're dumb

It's very simple, China has shown that big state capitalism and soft imperialism is the superior mode of production, the US allowed freedom of thought for too long and are now paying the consequences. They are getting rid of liberalism and turning into big state capitalism.

t b h i think the UK is equally shit. all you people care about is leftist buzz words and corporate diversity branding.

I am one of the farthest right people on here and I am gay. Anti-gay is as big a mistake as pro-trans.

Our society is based around extreme individualistic narcissism, so you get a lot of plebs who think they're special and know more than everyone else who are happy to be included in "secret knowledge" about the nefarious forces that have trapped them in plebbery.

Americans are subhumans and should be exterminated

>Can't find the image right now but it's always been that way

No it hasn't. Even 10 years ago the popular discourse in the United States was far more sensible. Now it's like facts have ceased to matter because they can be twisted however you like.

This but unironically. The great culling of chuds is coming and I will gladly participate across all corners of the earth.

What's the problem?
Being conservative means supporting the status quo i.e supporting the rights of multinational companies


>They are getting rid of liberalism and turning into big state capitalism.
Not even remotely true. Last time I checked mutts weren't nationalising any industry

lol do u like willies in ur bum bum

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Ok, I'll re-phrase. It's nothing new. Conspiracies have always been around. 9/11 trutherism is pretty common and has been for some time now. Remember Obama being gay or a secret Muslim Communist? What makes it "mainstream" now according to you? Neither political party officially endorses that stuff and all the big media outlets don't. It's just regular, everyday schizo Americans that believe it.


im one of the most extreme vegaterians on here and i eat meat. anti-meat is a big mistake as pro-vegan

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yeah but the difference is here schizo are isolated and people make fun of them you guys have a political movement of that shit. like when trump said the elections were rigged but presented no evidence to the court. so then said the courts were just rigged and they all believed it. he's a textbook populist manipulator