Numerous movies and TV shows about Julius Ceasar and Marc Anthony

>Numerous movies and TV shows about Julius Ceasar and Marc Anthony
>None about these 2 gigachads


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belisarius was literally outshone by a eunuch

Only because John was a total faggot and would follow Bel's orders

which eunuch do you think i'm talking about

Why didn’t the western Romans make paintings?

>half of the Secret History is about how much of a cuck Belisarius is and how his cheating wife controls him
>other half is about how deranged Justinian is and how pathetic he is for marrying a turbowhore
reddit emperor and general, for an actual chad see Heraclius

They did

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they absolutely did, just not on canvas

>Trusting Procopius

I'm assuming you are talking about Narses. Wasn't he sent to Italy twice? The first time he got recalled because his presence was causing too many problem, and the second time was when rome was about to get completely destroyed.

>the Secret History
you know thats just a bunch of satirical shitposting he made for him and his friends, right?

>"Of that Byzantine empire, the universal verdict of history is that it constitutes, without a single exception, the most thoroughly base and despicable form that civilization has yet assumed. There has been no other enduring civilization so absolutely destitute of all forms and elements of greatness, and none to which the epithet "mean" may be so emphatically applied ... The history of the empire is a monotonous story of the intrigues of priests, eunuchs, and women, of poisonings, of conspiracies, of uniform ingratitude." —William Lecky
>"Its [Byzantium's] general aspect presents a disgusting picture of imbecility: wretched, nay, insane passions, stifles the growth of all that is noble in thoughts, deeds, and persons. Rebellion on the part of generals, depositions of the Emperors by means or through the intrigues of the courtiers, assassinations or poisoning of the Emperors by their own wives and sons, women surrendering themselves to lusts and abominations of all kinds." —Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
>"The history of the Greek Empire is nothing but a tissue of revolts, seditions, and perfidies." -- Montesquieu
>"There exists another history, more absurd than the history of Rome since the time of Tacitus: it is the history of Byzantium. This worthless collection contains nothing but declamations and miracles. It is a disgrace to the human mind." -- Voltaire
>“Let us not follow the example of the Byzantine Empire, which, being pressed from all sides by the barbarians, became the laughing-stock of posterity because it was preoccupied with petty quarrels while the battering-ram was breaking through the city gates" -- Napoleon

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>>Trusting Procopius

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Roman history is mostly fabricated from what we call the Byzantines, most of the 1st millennium was made up to hide this fact

>Siege of Jerusalem
>2nd and 3rd Judeo-Roman wars, Bar Kokba
no movies about any of these absolutely kino moments from Jewish history where Jewish soldiers often exhibited heroic feats, and Jewish-run Hollywood still hasn't made any movies about them.

Any historyfag want to give me the tl;dr on Rome's kingdom era? Never see anyone talk about that part.

That sounds a bit harsh. What the hell was their collective problem?

Revisionists trying cover over the the fact that Venice is responsible its demise.

Renaissance/ Enlightenment writers have a hate boner for the Middle Ages so much so that most historians largely pinpoint the fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans as the start of the early modern era.

I like this madlad

Attached: constantine.jpg (863x1300, 163.52K)

Civil war functioned as the only check on failing leaders.

In other countries, a leader who messed up might be encouraged to resign & be replaced with his son. Or a parliament might refuse taxes to pay for a failing military campaign.

But with the Byzantines, no, it was expected that you would get an army together & fight it out.

Western evropa still seething after becoming irrelevant for the second time.

Voltaire was a faggot

>Secret History
>Actually believing Procopius seething scizo post


It was same for all autocratic monarchies

>believing actual medieval slander

you will never retake constantinople

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Constantinople is KURD

to many parallels to modern times. they were literally controlled by the khazar empire at that time (no joke). this war is ancient

We don't consider them European or a part of European history. We don't even learn much about them in school

You will always burn in hell voltaire

westoids are terrified of the eastern roman empire user, cause in present times it is represented by Russia. throughout history they have always belittled the Byzantines cause they were the true Romans, while the western roman empire collapsed from all the barbarians and they never stopped seething since.

Voltaire was a known Russophile, I think you need to stop trying to link every conversation topic to current events before you spout more nonsense.

>cause in present times it is represented by retarded mongoloid barbarians who haven't had a functional state in centuries
seems about right