Chud propaganda got #MORBED

>chud propaganda got #MORBED


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Other urls found in this thread:

NO Any Forums BROS

what the fuck is what is a woman

Daily Wire propaganda grift movie

What is a Morb?

>defining what sex is in grounded reality is poltard territory
If you believe that then you’re far gone

just more transphobia from the far right

Dude asked leftoids 'what is a woman' and they had absolute meltdown, pissing and shitting in pain and fear. He put it on camera.

And that’s a good thing

Haha why yes, men can indeed become women if they feel like it. In fact men can get impregnated by female penises. Now go fucking kill yourself.

A based and redpilled movie you should see. Evidence:

And it's everything!

>Jewish man asks a simple question
>Troons meltdown
That's it, that's the documentary.

It's easy to cheat and lie with social media.
I can make any "legit" headline if I pick a random slice of time on a random social network under my specific keywords, bonus points if I use peanuts to pay bots to manipulate the trend right at that interval.

but pro israel groups spammed Any Forums every day promoting it

Yes. Accelerate. More rapes in women's bathrooms, more men beating women in their sports, more men bashing women nearly to death in female MMA. The more this is pushed the more normies wake up.

Featherless biped.


I thought what is a woman was a "nuanced" lefty movie.

what about top gun?

Here's a more thorough one from 2010, covering the exact same topics (and more):

A woman to leftists is when you wear a dress, paint your nails, and suck cock. That's literally all being a woman is to them.

hes a catholic


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