Homer is now a teenager in the 90s

>Homer is now a teenager in the 90s

Attached: maxresdefault (81).jpg (1280x720, 124.99K)

>you were a teenager in the 90's

Attached: 1622668260005.png (742x534, 330.07K)

Back in the 90s I had the Men In Black II soundtrack on cassette

The sliding timeline shit is retarded and ruins some of the classic episodes of The Simpsons but pissing on a pile of ash is the least things I worry about I guess.

Men in Black 2 was released in 2002.

I was gonna to sneedpost this thread, but that's just sad. This show needs to be put out of its misery.

I'll get scared when he's a teen in the 2000's as then i'll be as old as homer.


Your point?

Doesn't this make loads of old episodes non canon?

The showrunners have state before that they don't care about continuity.

way ahead of you, f*rmerly (selling women's) behind

Your point?

Stop it

>Homer is 235lbs
>you are 250lbs

>mirror he's smiling
>Profile is grimacing
...sneedsons sisters...

I'm 220 6'1" and hot with an 8" dick feels great (Italian).

They were made non-canon a long time ago when Homer was in a grunge band in college. Here he's a teenager.

Just bizarre because Homer is still the good natured boomer he always was. Just cannot imaging him as a Gen Xer and now Millennial.

>Homer was in a grunge band in college.
How could Homer go to college if he never graduated high school?

Boy I hope someone got fired for that mistake

Well yeah, hes in his late 30s. It would be a bit weird if he was born in the 50s. Bart and Lisa would have to be born in the late 2000s

>sneed is now a city slicker in the 70s-80s

You mean Boyz II Men?
