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Is that about the dumb ass Nip that didn't know the war was over?

One of them. There are multiple stories about lost Japs in the Pacific.

It's funny because it's not like they accomplished anything

All they did was lurk in the woods and occasionally steal shit from nearby civilians and then decades later someone is like "hey retard the war is over"

He killed around 30 people, many cattle, and burned down harvests, he was an actual plague for the villagers around, it was guerilla by the book.

This thread is dead, time to make Onoda

Oh damn I remember hearing this story on Dan Carlin's podcast. Surprised nobody ever bothered to try the story out.

Shit poster. Fixed

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So actually it was worse than accomplishing nothing lol

Is this any good or is it the one where he just chills in a jungle until a student finds him?

More like Kinoda


I hope he was tried and sentenced. Fucking murderer

I have to check this one and that other one symbiopsychotaxiplasm, I saw a review of it, and it took me 15 mins to realize that was not the actual doc

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somebody answer this man
is it good

He was pardoned by the flip president in person when he surrendered. There's a picture of him giving his sabre to Marcos in the jungle.

He was treated as a hero in Japan but he was disgusted by Japan's cultural decline.

why the fuck would the flip president pardon him?
fucking nigger should have been shot on sight.

Relax, mutt.


Didn't Herzog make a documentary about this guy already?

Maybe he did but he just didn’t want to go back to living as a wagie

>fucking nigger should have been shot on sight.
They tried for decades and didn't succeed, hence the legend.

>Had to bring in his former commanding officer to stop his one man war
The real life Asian Rambo