Is this motherfucker the most uncharismatic actor ever...

Is this motherfucker the most uncharismatic actor ever? literally nobody knows his retarded name and he's only there by nepotism because of his daddy.

I didnt even knew he was in that Tarzan movie or whaever it was until after the northman, and in the northman his acting was meh tier.

Attached: Alexander-Skarsgard-The-Northman.jpg (1200x856, 558.73K)

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He's Iceman in Generation Kill

Scapeguard something

Ray and Trombley were more charismatic.

He's a good actor in shows, kinda meh in most movies
I was disappointed when he sold out and did Godzilla vs Kong

It's weird, he has great charisma and screen presence in True Blood and Generation Kill then just sort of disappears when they try and put him in movies. He's actually a really good actor, the camera just doesn't love him. Hardly a unique case.

>Godzilla vs Kong box office: $468.2 million
He probably did it so he could do something more creative like the Norfman after. Or maybe not, I don't think he needs more money.

He'll show his charisma when he finally does capeshit. Cyclops, Silver Surfer or Captain Marvel villain #3.

>Is this motherfucker
Go back .

Bill is more talented

Attached: Skarsgards.jpg (2000x1333, 926.46K)

He's kino as a bad guy in Straw Dogs

His best role is Hold The Dark. He plays a mentally ill US war vet who goes on a killing spree. He wears a wolf mask in that movie too.

>Kill Team
>Generation Kill
>Hold The Dark
He always plays a US army Sergeant

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He was good in Generation Kill, Melancholia and War on Everyone, too.
He was one of the guys in Zoolander's jeep when they set themselves on fire in the first movie. Kind of funny.

It is a good point that most people know his face and have seen in many things but couldn't tell you his name. It's strange.

He won awards for Big Little Lies but I haven't seen that so I can't say if it's any good or not. I hear it's mostly watched by women anyway.

They can't tell his name because it's unpronounceable. Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise is easy. Alexander Skarsgård not so.

He was also in Lady Gaga's first music video Paparazzi

You’re saying he should be more like Trombley? MORE LIKE TROMBLEY?!

he's never had a big establishing role. it's what happens to most actors.

I'm pretty sure that's a huge spoiler, isn't it?

your complaining because the guy who went by iceman wasnt charismatic enough... fuck humanity is too dumb to survive

It’s actually not even hard to pronounce, the accent just throws people off. Honestly there a lot of actors like this though, that have been in a ton of stuff but no one really knows them. I don’t follow Skarsgard but I’d imagine it’s due to a lack of self-promotion. I haven’t seen him in a wide range of stuff but I thought he was alright on Generation Kill.

>he's right behind me isn't he

>Is this motherfucker the most uncharismatic actor ever?
There is another

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Those arent the right teeth, this nigga think he count chocula or someshit?