Why do Americans claim they suffer when they make 100,000$ per year on average?

Why do Americans claim they suffer when they make 100,000$ per year on average?

You retards don't even realize how lucky you are and all you do is complain and bitch

You are all spoiled brats, get back to reality and stand up and salute the American national flag that gave you rich life and not a 3rdie real suffering

Attached: ethan-klein.jpg (201x251, 11.64K)

>Mongolians go to Poland for better life...

Oh damn what happened to this guy, I remember him being big deal on Youtube like five years ago or something

walking is too spicy for them

We are like szlachta, okay?

>Uses mean as indication of central tendency
Man, you polaks really are stupid, aren't you?

I pity you, Bilguun Ariunbataar

You guys chose one of the worst starting tiles my sincere condolences.

suffering makes you appreciate life to the fullest

Most americans are really naive and can't think for themselves, so they either think they live in the best country in the world or it's an utter shithole bent on collapse, depending on which news station they watch.

I make 40k. feels bad.

You're legally retarded

if you're not a total retard you can easily make 100k in the land of money and wealth of America dumbass.

You guys are the stupidest people on earth and yet you're so prosperous it means that you have the best system that can handle a population of flat earthers and certain colored people and still be wealthy as fuck, meanwhile peaceful white countries are poor as fuck, because we didn't adopt american way of life.

if you get sick in America you are basically fucked lol

My $130k salary doesn't make my depression, anxiety, and autism go away. If you were making the same money the only thing that would change is less stress over the rent/bills.

Hilarious how thirdies think more money = more happy.
You think burgers with their dopamine receptors completely fried by sugar, smartphone addiction, porn etc feel good when they can use their money to buy stuff ? It just fills their emptiness for a few minutes and reinforce the consoom addiction.

Cope lol

don't need to eat it
>smartphone addiction
don't need to use it
don't need to watch it

means you're spoiled, you're so wealthy you can afford medicaments and therapy, go for it

Hilarious how thirdies think more money = more happy.
Because it's true retard. I can confirm it myself when I started making more money I immediately became freer and happier, imagine what is like having total financial freedom and be able to just quit your job for a year or two and still be able to afford your mcmansion and mclaren, while complaining about bidenflation on twatter.

Americans are out of touch with reality

Live in a better country, lmao

>100,000$ per year on average
They don't make that much, the average American makes at most 50k a year, and average =/= median. The gini index in America is one of the highest among developed countries, so the median salary is much lower than the average. Combine that with no Healthcare, expensive universities and higher crime than any other first world country and yes America is a shithole

>I failed in life
>so I blame America and Biden for it.

If you have a three digit IQ here there is no reason you can't make 6 figs and live better than 90% of euros desu

I can't move to America.
You are here so shut up and appreciate the country.

>you're so wealthy you can afford medicaments and therapy, go for it
Anyone with a job that provides basic health insurance can afford the same stuff available to me. None of it works.

>crumbling inefficient infrastructure, poisonous food and water, and rampant crime but can afford an ugly mcmansion that will get home invaded several times before getting torn down a decade after it's built
Truly I am proud to be an american

I don’t really complain except for the car-dependent lifestyle we have. Cars are great, but we need more trains. Oh btw I make 130k as a devops engineer.

there are literally tones of medication for depression you didn't try 3/4 of them, one of them will surely work or at least will help you in some way

this is my main complaint about the US
cars are literally a $5000 + tip requirement to be considered an adult in this society

>t.make 6000€ per month

you will soon have flying pads that will be linked to your backyard so stop complaining, one day you'll be laughing at "walkable" europoor cities while you will press the button while the ai controlled drone will lift you to your workplace and back.

I tried most of them for 4 years until I got tired of the drastic changes with no great relief, and settled for the best match for me (cymbalta) which lowers me to a minimum 4/10.

have you tried venlafaxine?

Any adult should be able to attain that, or at least a loan for it. The only way you can't is if you're unemployed or working a job meant for teens (mcdonald's, etc.).

Stop using antidepressants, try diet restrictions/fasting/intense exercise/cold showers/elimination diets/vitamins

Americans are something else

Only about 25% make that much or more. Most people make less than 50K.


I've got a good diet and strenuous exercise regime, cold showers, and also meditate regularly and have a healthy hobby (guitar). Still doesn't do much but knock maybe a point off the depression/anxiety scale of 1-10.