Why do non scandinavianx people live with their parents until they are 30?

Why do non scandinavianx people live with their parents until they are 30?

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we don't like renting

We have to actually work instead of getting free everything

we wuz poor n' shiet

Why would you live with your parents any longer than you have to though?
Don’t you move away for college and university?

we don't have gibs

I bet there's like a dozen Swedish dudes 25-35 who still live with their parents ITT this very moment

What exactly are we getting free?
Do you think we don’t have rent in Scandinavia?

I don’t but I share an apartment with my sister


People move away for High School and stuff
15-16 year olds moving lowers the average below 18
Simple as that

I got my own apartment bought by my dad when I turned 17

>Only left home at 21
Am I a failure?

Do meds really live with their parents until they're middle aged?

you can't suffer in sweden

Norway is a catholic country and I know that when you do your confirmation your gift is pretty much a lot of money, that plus a very strong network of govt gibbs for students and the fact that you have to move from your boring village to either oslo, bergen or sogndal to keep studying, you're pretty much forced to move or never leave your hometown

luxembourg is scandinavian

Based Montenegro

it would be below 20 for finland if we didn't have mandatory conscription

I would assume conscription counts, you aren’t really living at home
But adresses is probably what count

just buy? its an investment.