German salary is too low

German salary is too low

Attached: wvyanugith361.jpg (160x160, 6.32K)

Stop wasting it on renewables

Go to hungary

God I hate the German software developer salary poster so fucking much it's unreal

I agree

Don't suffer

Attached: 1653064480147.jpg (1200x1200, 395.25K)

This doesn't fix anything

Not exactly. The truth is German taxes are too high. Only when the average german understands this simple fact will things get better. The only thing you can do is help spread this gospel along with other libertarian principles

I used to get paid 5€/h

I work as a dev in Chicago and just make 70k. These figures are not accounting for average devs and only devs that work at FAGMAN and other such companies


This is the salary for the head of IT

Attached: both.png (1061x1810, 256.06K)

>These figures are not accounting for average devs and only devs that work at FAGMAN and other such companies
Literally wrong
Fang salaries look like this
The 150k pity money is the overall average

Attached: 5f2c2c2150468b6591113caa_3AlVbJ5cN3qt61IhFSQ1g-06wI7j2nxtXzhKFAdLIi0L1hI3sRR0miCF8saVQeXelmaqoJGgpYfsZqvMqucW7fxXmraBqhOWNxgE0UV09AR8jC-JJNzpC300FaPNwYTjMoC2BFcJ.jpg (1250x798, 134.64K)

Okay I'm not going to argue with you again. You are delusional and mentally ill. Just because you see some stupid graph or listen to some stupid YouTuber doesn't make the information espoused correct. You are literally mocking me whenever you post these threads because I'm literally a developer and make no where near any of these salaries.

is this after tax? im also dev, and i make 180k Liras (10k dollars) / year right now (after tax).
last time a checked an average dev gets 2x in USA than in EU

Hmm thats is quite low but IT should be lower than someone in software or cybersecurity right?

People with 5 years experience in cyber security make like $180k/year total comp in my state at start ups which includes stuff like stock options and stuff like that

both of these are true, but sadly the average German is retarded as fuck
>fall for green memes, phase out nuclear
>pay billions and billions for renewables while having to maintain the base load with fossil energy
>use coal and gas for the base load instead of nuclear
>emit more CO2 than Trump's USA (in relative terms) while LARPing as green superpower
>highest energy prices in the world
>make ourselves dependent on Russia
>highest taxes in the world, still infrastructure is shit, education isn't good
>forced contribution for government media on top of taxes, that is unironically used for 15k/month salaries/pensions of state media functionaries and outright corruption like luxury rooms and holidays (there's an ongoing criminal investigation about this right now, just the tip of the iceberg obviously tho)
>military spending almost as high as France or the UK but a completely dysfunctional military, probably corruption too
>major infrastructure projects take years longer and billions more than planned
>chancellor was likely involved in major tax invasion schemes, might come under criminal investigation too

but somehow everyone here still seems to think we're the best in the world and acts smug about other countries
in the past there was a meme about this, the German Michel, portrayed with a sleeping hat bc he doesn't care while the upper class cucks him

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So every statistic ever is wrong and your single data point is the truth ok

Attached: HackerRank_s_2020_Developer_Skills_Report3.jpg (1304x1184, 154.33K)

you're just incompetent and have absolutely no drive or ambition, you resume probably sucks ass, you have no spine so you can neither negotiate nor compel yourself to leave for greener pastures, and even if you did get an interview you're probably so beta and autistic that you would bomb it. Has nothing to do with the job market and everything to do with your personal failures. Sorry if this sounds mean but you need to hear it, you could be doing far better and it's embarrassing that you make so little as developer in a major city.

Before tax unfortunately

and how much is it after tax?

You're just pulling shit off the internet dude. You're delusional
I went to a big 10 university, did internships in college, worked at a few start ups, and sent in over 100 applications before I landed my current job. I am very competent, I just don't have the luxury of living on the west coast or the luxury of being a literal gigagenious ivy league grad who landed a FAGMAN job right after college

This makes me so sad because nuclear is the the real answer to everything. Like the technology is already here and proven

Why is the salary the main problem?
Because a company doesn't have power over tax laws but absolute power over the salaries they pay

I think it was 64k

There is no way that's possible at $80k take home is like $45-50 at most after tax and before fixed bills like rent


That's really not that much considering the cost of living in said urban areas. You'll probably do better than you would in Europe, but be nowhere near early retirement. Or even property in a safe neighborhood in NYC, SF or LA.

I was wrong. Just checked my 2021 taxes shit and my gross was 74,350 and net was 61,877

Who's as stupid as wanting to retire in these war zone shitholes? You work 2 years as a html copy paster and then retire in Portugal

i get paid that now
i suffer

>You work 2 years and retire in Portugal
Impossible as well. You won't even earn the necessary $400k* gross, pre-spending in these 2 years, much less net, post-spending.

*the necessary sum to receive $1000 passive income a month safely.