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From the creators of Dark. Thoughts, Any Forums?


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If it's from the creators of Dark why is it in English?

I saw black people. It's over


>During an interview with Deadline Hollywood, Friese explained how the European migrant crisis and Brexit were influential to the series, saying:[5] The whole European angle was very important for us, not only story wise but also the way we were going to produce it. It really had to be a European collaboration, not just cast but also crew. We felt that with the past years of Europe being on the decline, we wanted to give a counterpoint to Brexit, and to nationalism rising in different countries, to go back to that idea of Europe and Europeans working and creating together. Being true to the cultures and the languages was really important, we never wanted to have characters from different countries but everyone speaks English. We wanted to explore this heart of Europe, where everyone comes from somewhere else and speaks a different language, and language defines so much of your culture and your behaviour.
ah yes, evil brexit nationalists and gentle african migrants, a perfect fit for a bermuda triangle story (only on netflix)

Dark was pretty crap overall

During an interview with Deadline Hollywood, Friese explained how the European migrant crisis and Brexit were influential to the series, saying:

The whole European angle was very important for us, not only story wise but also the way we were going to produce it. It really had to be a European collaboration, not just cast but also crew. We felt that with the past years of Europe being on the decline, we wanted to give a counterpoint to Brexit, and to nationalism rising in different countries, to go back to that idea of Europe and Europeans working and creating together. Being true to the cultures and the languages was really important, we never wanted to have characters from different countries but everyone speaks English. We wanted to explore this heart of Europe, where everyone comes from somewhere else and speaks a different language, and language defines so much of your culture and your behaviour.


I fucking hate that all these tv writers can do is "take influence from" the most basic bitch lefty talking points and make a fanfic version of if to make people they disagree with cartoon villains while the heroes are a diverse cast of good goys.
Dark fell apart hard by the end of season 2, i have no hope for anything they make after that

Oh shit I can't wait to finally post again with my Darkfags!
I wasn't too hyped about some historic shit but the trailer has peaked my interest.

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Because making a series in which an international cast of refugees speak their respective languages is even better than filtering just the non-Germans. Now everyone needs subtitles.

>Dude we save the clockmakers sonerino and then we kiss and we cease to exist so our parents can fuck the people they wanted to fuck.



Sounds like a bunch of jewish-nigger bullshit. I liked Dark, too, but it really jumped the shark in the final season. And I'm definitely not watching this trash propaganda.

Dark was an utter failure, it was an uncanny series of Germans pretending they understand human emotion and it failed spectacularly because of it.

Being a rightoid should be considered a mental disability.

Vastly exaggerating the negatives of any situation, then getting angry at how such problems are effecting your life seems like such a waste of energy.

Dark was pretty good. I was hoping for a simpler story like season 1 but seems like the scale is going to be huge. I'll watch it but I wont get hyped for Netflix shit.

>heart of Europe, where everyone comes from somewhere else and speaks a different language ???

>Germans pretending they understand human emotion
Spoke like someone that has never listened to anything made by Bach or Mozart.

Kind of like getting upset at milk? Or telling someone to smile more?

>Vastly exaggerating the negatives of any situation, then getting angry at how such problems are effecting your life seems like such a waste of energy.
You mean like climate change or abortion or the covid vaccine or the Depp trial or the Rittenhouse trial or Jan 6th or Slava Ukraine or when it wasn't her turn after all?