Does anyone notice that this guy always played le government evil man?

Does anyone notice that this guy always played le government evil man?

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It's just programming, so that when he one day shows up at your door, you won't question it.

he plays a cool sniper in enemy at the gates

>failure is not an option

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dick head shape

kino role

No, because he doesn't.

he was kino in Absolute Power

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>i watched 2 of his movies
>Does anyone notice that this guy always played le government evil man?

it's not true

In Westworld he plays the based sociopath black hat cowboy trying to unlock hard mode.

government good man sometimes

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No, he played le evil white man.

He has that cia face.

These days I wouldn't be surprised if its a hipster looking cunt that suicides you.



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mr blackrock

Ed Harris is based. He's iconic in Truman.

I wish America still existed

its called typecasting, user

>that this guy

Fucking zoomer doesn't even know his name.