Casino (1995)


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One of my favourite mob movies, beat out only by Donnie Brasco and Goncharov.

Kind of boring ngl

relies too much on narration.

in my opinion it's better than Goodfellas
now give me (You)s telling me I'm wrong

lame goodfellas remake

I agree with this.

ignored all the occultism that occurs in every Vegas casino

It's pretty good. Both have blended together in my mind. Personally I really preferred Pesci and Deniro in Raging Bull. Classic.

i dont like goodfellas all that much so yeah casino is better.

Heres your (you), for being absolutely correct.

Great casting choice you HACK

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Goodfellas is the better film, but Casino is more entertaining for me

*Ding ding ding*

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freakishly accurate in regards of the girl being attached to her scumbag first love

A groomer first love too

i agree, casino is the perfect scorsese movie

Honestly, I didn't enjoy it that much. all involved actors have been in better movies - I'll take Heat or especially Goodfellas over Casino any day of the week.

casino deez nuts

big redpill on women's nature and pimp/whore relation

It’s the only long movie I can easily go through in one sitting besides Scarface

Why mafia movies are so popular and high rated. Do people worship the gangsters, what is it?

stay mad cracker