The holy trinity of dark age low fantasy kino

the holy trinity of dark age low fantasy kino

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There’s no fantasy in 13 Warrior

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A remnant population of prehistoric fertility cult humans who headhunt people in iron age scandinavia is fantastical, just because there isn’t magic lazers shooting around doesn’t mean it isn’t historical fantasy


>dark age

That look like basic ass tribal people...the film was a boring bait & switch.

Northman is pure trash and shouldn't be compared to the other 2 legendary movies

Conan > The Northman >>>>> My smelly morning shit >>>>>>>> the 13th warrior

low fantasy means just that. there is either no magic or very little

Are there more movies like this?

Very based

>No Black Death
>No Valhall Rising
>No The Vikings (1958)

Kingdom of heaven director cut

>low fantasy means just that. there is either no magic or very little
If that is true then no way Conan is low fantasy

this sits somewhere between low and high fantasy

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Autistic semantic debates about what low fantasy or high fantasy is, is the most boring shit in the world

Northman isn't A24

13th warrior is only barely above mediocre in terms of quality.

Deathstalker II is the peak of fantasy

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