This was a surprisingly decent show

It's mostly devoid of anime tropes. It's dark but not over the top edgy like Invincible or Attack on Titan. Just tackles its themes with tempered maturity. It has some body horror but that's about it. Great OST as well. This is what shows that are aimed at teens/young adults should be.

Attached: FMA2003.jpg (619x495, 58.55K)

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yeah, women are better writers

The shows authors were men and they made many improvements on the show.

FMJ Brotherhood is better

it's gay and very childish.

its the best anime by far and if it was 3d show it would be accepted to be the superior lotr

I like both FMA and FMA:Brotherhood and think the rivalry between the fandoms is retarded.

maybe for tranime fans that have no standard to judge shit other than other tranime. brotherhood is basically like your typical anime with corny jokes being cracked during a "serious" moment or fight. in fact its constant no matter what. its definately more tranime than the OG fma. like that guy said the og is what anime aimed towards teens should be like.

this sutble anime threads are getting annoying
you have a whole board to post your TRASH

>its the best anime by far
idk it felt like a marvel movie to me, and people hyped it so much that it disappointed me.
maybe i had to high expectations.

Yep easily the best anime made except maybe avatar

Yeah I really like the humor in Brotherhood.

Attached: funny.png (1280x720, 934.39K)

2003 is shit and you're a faggot for needing it to be "not like anime" in order to enjoy it.

the first third is absolute garbage. the remaining 2/3rds is pretty good though.

retarded part of brotherhood is it clearly assumes you've seen the previous anime and probably read the manga as well. if you try watching it as the introduction to the setting it's going to be awful. not that it isn't awful if you have, but at least you understand why it's awful - it's just trying to get to the point where the first anime left off to do its own thing

I completely understand why people prefer Brotherhood, I get that, but FMA 2003 is far superior. It is authentic, it has drama and a well-defined atmosphere, it is also way better drawn and animated with a satisfying color palette. Brotherhood is just too bright and childish to be taken seriously.

>you're a faggot for needing it to be "not like anime" in order to enjoy it.
Aka normal non-troon people enjoy it and tranime fans enjoy FMAB. Got it.

massive cope. even naruto knew when to turn off the kiddy humor shit. in fact thats part of what made that series so popular, they excelled at that but wasn't so good in other areas.

Any Forums is literal cancer. it makes Any Forums and /tv seem sane and reasonable even at their worst. even the most obnoxious thinly-veiled politics or porn threads are nowhere near as bad as the average Any Forums thread

Your average Any Forums threads are waifu trash. So yeah, you're right. If you want to know why too much escapism is bad for you, just visit Any Forums. I have more respect for porn posters and politics posters than them.

Is there any recommended mixed watching of the first episodes of the first series and then starting from some point in brotherhood in order to get the closest experience to the manga?

you can watch both, theyre literally both different stories past a certain spot. first series is better though, and it much more apparent watching them back to back.

I've only seen brotherhood and thought it was pretty decent, other than some of the humour being too in your face and kind of cringe. Is the original really better or is it classic Any Forums contraionism ?

I've seen the first series already and read the manga, I just want the full og experience but animated.

The best aspect of 2003 is the ending. The villain is completely different and is the final story.

The general consensus is to Watch the very first episodes of the 2003 version and then switch to Brotherhood the Moment the 2003 version stops following the original manga story
2003 have a fairy unique and gothic aesthetic, but the plot pretty much fall apart in the final act. It even ended with an atrocious cliffhager to promote a OAV sequel about interdimensional nazis from our world invading the FMA ones

>thinking 03 is better that brotherhood

Attached: 10A06B1C-62C3-4716-B68A-BD4EA33AFBA6.png (404x266, 182.4K)

This kind of shit is what ruined Hellsing Ultimate for me. Yeah bro let's have this super dark vibe and atmosphere and then break into these weird comical; faces and chibi moments for comic relief. Amazing.

>Rushed cliffhager ending to promote a movie about interdimensional nazi invasioni

Lol no. The manga/2011 version have legit one of the most complete and satisfay ending of a shounen i can remember

8 don't get how you people can like the multidimensional thing. It was retarded and out of nowhere.
Speaking of hellsing, there's a lot of that chibi stuff in the manga that got cut, and it wasn't that bad in Ultimate anyway.

Yeah it's better in most respects. These two scenes perfectly illustrate the difference between the two series.

2003 Greed death.
FMAB Greed death.


Its far more atmospheric but how the plot reached that situation was stupid and illogico
People in this thread should really warn new watchers about the weakest part of the 2003 version: plot structure

For anyone who wants a reference, the second the video I linked here is also the full "satisfying" ending these people are talking about. Just watch say 3 minutes of it and you know what you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Also 2011 Greed as a character Is far, far more interesting and fresh out. 2003 One simply looks cooler

2003 completely eliminates the cringe humor, it has a more serious atmosphere. The Ishval and Lior plot is taken way more seriously. It's an actual drama with consequences and feelings.

same lol, hellsing ultimate could be 1000 times better but it chose to be silly.

>Speaking of hellsing, there's a lot of that chibi stuff in the manga that got cut, and it wasn't that bad in Ultimate anyway.
It was terrible in Ultimate. The janky one with the funky music had a way better atmosphere and aesthetic. Alucard's intro in that first episode is peak cool. No amount of excessive ultraviolence in Ultimate manages to come close to that scene of him just standing there smiling creepily at Ceras.

Attached: 157915727314000.jpg (897x674, 81.14K)

Lol that the main villain defeat, not the proper ending. All characters received satisfacing ending for their arc in 2011
2003 instead ended in a rushed edgy cliffhager and pretty much everyone is still sad and in despair, despite defeating Dante and Pride
Its the kind of nihilistic rushed ending the GOT writers would had loved

it has too much japanese """humor"""

I don't know man, if a few dumb scenes here and there managed to ruin the best adaptation hellsing could hope for, what can I tell you.

Isvhal in 2003 Is only superficiale edgier, while bieng far less fleshed out than in 2011. In the original plot, its a decisive geopolitical event that influences almost all the personal subplots of the main characters in one way or another
In the 2003 version, It Just exist to justify that bullshit borderline romantic sub-plot between Lust and Scar that involved him cucking his dead brother

This is Any Forums dude, a litterall anime forum.

>muh tropes

>Plot, Plot, Plot, Plot.
All of this plot leads to a cringy final combat sequence in FMAB. In 2003 it's one of the key events which shows the brothers didn't change things as much as they thought. It plays a far bigger role in Mustang's character arc as well.
Oh god, is showing a bit of blood edgy these days. It treats war as it should be treated, not as a sanitized plot point.