*Black Panther 2 leaked*

Attached: 1654576755860.webm (576x1024, 1.49M)

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We can't comprehend white bros...

she's making fun that he's circumcised?

Makes me happy knowing Hollywood is going to keep casting interracial couples and showing beautiful mixed children.
As a black person in America currently dating a white woman it has never been better to be black. We get all the social clout. We have the biggest representations in music. And Hollywood is casting us more often. Liberal women are so fucking horny to virtue signal how much they appreciate people with my skin color that they literally will skip over white people on tinder and alike.

Cope. All of you

they're both ugly as fuck

I wish I knew what it was like to have a woman be that impressed with my penis

in the rare chance I do see a black guy (not many blacks in my area) with a white girl in public, the girl is always fat
Take that as you will

Quentin Tarantino's old home movies are odd.

props to you typing that correctly through the tears in your eyes user

Have you considered that uptight social justice college grads secretly desire nothing more than to get colonized by big white cock? I cannot tell you how many newspaper editorialists, feminist advocates, anime watching black chicks with thick frame glasses and curly hair have begged for the privileged to choke on my cum. You speak their language, you become the ultimate bad boy. Non-white pussy is practically free!

Trust me, buddy, everybody whose hungry enough is getting a few slices.

reminder: penis size is 100% a women's issue and not something straight men have to worry about.

>she's not exaggerating for the camera


This. More racemixing my fellow white man. Colonize them!!!!

Attached: niggers67.webm (640x640, 2.8M)

This, quads prove it

Attached: niggers48.webm (886x500, 2.28M)

Nonwhites in general are desperate to have white kids. What do niggas think is gonna happen to their numbers, that 13% isn’t gonna be the first to go? It’s already over for American niggas. Mulattos go white every time, niggas are getting absorbed into the larger group. You lost the long run, suicided because you secretly hate your skin so might as well keep watching porn and pulling all-nighters in discord.

Attached: niggers49.webm (360x640, 1.19M)

Demoralization thread from the saddest motherfucker alive rn.

Who has time to post shit like this? Get a real job.

Attached: niggers50.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Imagine what it feels like being a black in America with a giant cock who fucks white women. It's the closest thing to feeling like a conqueror in current era

Attached: niggers51.webm (368x720, 1.06M)

Attached: niggers52.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Dark niggas are bros

Imagine what it feels like to have 47 chromosomes. Huge cock getting a free ride through life closest thing to being a modern demigod.

that feral animal is behind bars, right?

Isn't there a whole subset of the incel community where it's just black dudes who get zilch?

Attached: niggers53.webm (790x720, 2.37M)

>I wish I could be a hormonal nigger using woman to assuage my insecurities

Attached: niggers54.webm (640x352, 1.32M)

They're ugly and not tyrone. I'm talking about the most Tyrone niggas out there who specifically go for white women

he was gay. those were his fuccboiz

Attached: niggers55.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

This has gotta be a skit. There's no way he killed a dude because he accidentally gently bumped into him.

Hahaha they both look like awful fucking people. One just took it to a natural conclusion.

I hope he died, he looks like he donated his librarian money to BLM.

Attached: niggers56.webm (480x854, 2.93M)

so white boi school shooter got triggered ITT lmao

That man was clearly Mexican and celebrating his heritage

Attached: niggers57.webm (480x270, 1.03M)

they're black. That goes without saying

you have no idea about niggers. go to the hood and bump into niggers and see what happens

Bring back lynching

Remember that divide and conquer techniques are a method to keep people fighting among themselves and miserable. Keep doing your best and succeed. We are all gonna make it.

Did you guys see Everything Everywhere All At Once yet?

2D perspective and weirdly sexist, they’re being conquered.

Attached: niggers59.webm (392x364, 1.23M)


dam is that aries spears?

Attached: 1652919667186.jpg (1024x968, 147.98K)

one might say this is a certified nigga moment.

Attached: Alex9.png (800x420, 451K)

The tanktop guy seemed based, he reacted to being sucker punched

How did you find this photo of OP?

Attached: niggers60.webm (360x640, 867.39K)

>There's no way he killed a dude because he accidentally gently bumped into him.

I'll kill them both

ch-checked and based!

Attached: 1632342057333.jpg (442x800, 45.18K)

Attached: niggers61.webm (640x360, 2.13M)

This is him

Attached: 1652931282861.jpg (390x1024, 67.21K)

Rival gang shit, I can tell.

Attached: niggers62.webm (600x600, 1.88M)

It wasn't the bump, you autist. He got into a scuffle with a guy who was a bit of a handful and got his pride hurt. It's still pretty but being The tough guy is pretty much all they have.

>bumping the thread constantly by spamming

Is it wrong that I find watching gang shit fun

Attached: niggers63.webm (640x640, 2.69M)

Attached: ezgif-7-43077778920e.webm (576x1024, 833.99K)

>Thread is still up
Fucking jannies lol